Scenario 2: Confession

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"I've finally found you.."

The hero came from above. His blue eyes were sharply staring at the veteran but still it was cold and clear.

"You are three minutes late asshole.."

Flipqy slightly frowned and grined his teeth. They are staring on each others eyes. Then he let go off an evil smile and pointed to the coarpse covered with crimson color of massive blood.

"..Seems like the hero of their dreams can't fight a warrior anymore.."
He shooked his head as his voice started to get deeper.


He kept laughing for he was overwhelmed of what he had done. For him, seeing everyone crying and begging his mercy is actually funny. For him, torturing everyone and doing massacre exercises is really a masterpiece.

Splendid started to get angry. His temper was on its highest pitch. He clenched his fists and tremble in extreme insanity.. He can't control himself anymore.


The hero flew to the sky and shoot laserbeams through his eyes. The veteran defensed himself using his bowie knife. The beam reflected and bounced back. Sharpshooting was followed with sparing using man to man offense. Non of them wanted to lose.

Splendid will fight until death to take revenge for his friends though he knew even if he killed Flipqy, all of them will still resurrect tomorrow. It was the curse of their town.

"Ahhh!." -Splendid groaned as the veteran cut open his left arm. Lots of blood quickly made its way out of his skin which makes it more painful.

"Still ready for more?!!"-Flipqy stabbed his right arm to make sure he can't fight back.

"Aahhhh!!" Splendid exclaimed. He tightly closed his eyes to slightly not to feel pain. He felt like the world is stupidly spinning. He is experiencing hallucination from extreme blood loss.

Flipqy pushed him to the wall. Put his knife on his cheek ready to spill out more blood from his face. The environment was unbelievably quiet. Flipqy was dangerously close to Splendid. The only thing he could hear was their deep, heavy breaths.

"Wha..what are y-you..doing..?" -Splendid babbled some words.
"..why don't you..ju-just kill me?.."

"I'm not going so easy on you little brat"-Flipqy

The hero kept on staring to Flipqy's eyes trying to figure out what he meant.

"What?..what do you..mean.......Aahh!!.."

The Veteran punched him at the stomach and the Superhuman lost conciousness..


What the?!.. Where am I?!! ..

I don't know where I am. I felt my hands and feet are tied up on a chair. I can't scape. I tried to make myself free by moving but the thick chain was really tight on me... I can't move..

I remembered Flipqy punched me then I..

Oww!! Ouch! Shit!! ..

My wounds! They're so deep and painful! Ugh.. I can hear tomping footsteps going to my location.. I know, here he is.

"Hey! Get this damn thing away and let me go!"

Footsteps drawing closer.. It makes me paralized..

"Splendid?!.."-Flippy "..what are you doing here?!"

Ohh No! It's Flippy. He was innocent about what is going on when his alter ego was in control.. I stared on his eyes and it makes me melt. My heart is pounding fast! Why is it?!

"I know who did this..." His face turned sad.
"Lemme help you there.. I'm sorry about what he did.. please forgive us."

"No no! It's okay, it's not your fault."

I try to comfort him. His face is really cute.. Specially when I'm this close to him.. Why I can feel this?! We are both males! If I told him that I love him.. what will he think of me?

"There you go."-Flippy "..hey,why are you staring at me? Are you alright? Do you want me to fix your wounds?"

"Uh..sure.. if it's okay with you."


I'm cleaning and bandaging his wounds.. I feel so strange.. Am I going to tell him how I feel? .. What will he think of me? I'm afraid our friendship might be lost.. but.. I can't help it!

Ugh! Whatever happens I'll stand on my decision. Besides it's the best way to take him away from danger -from Flipqy..

"Uhm.. Splendid.."


"Ah..I ..I .."

"..what is it?"

"I..I ..I.. Lo.."

"..huh? speak clearly."



I quickly stood up to leave him. I don't want him to see how terrible I am. A soldier? loves a superhero? What kind of fucking idea is that?!! I better kill myself after this.

"Flippy wait."

He grabbed my hand.. My heart is beating like I ran millions of kilometers.. My breathing is getting heavy.(0//////0)


"Ha?! Wha..what?!! is it true?!"

"Yes! Why will I lie on such thing?!"

"I love you so much Splendid!!"

"I love you more Flippy!!"

In extreme happiness I quickly grabbed him and pushed on the wall.
I can't control myself!.. I crushed my lips on him and he didn't mind even he is wounded..

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