Scenario 9: Plan

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I still could feel pain in my head. I tightly closed my eyes and crushed my hair hoping to somehow ease the pain.

I wonder how I got to the hospital last day. No one would bring me here because all of them are afraid of me right?.. Hmm.. Wait.. I remember the last sound I heard was..

Hmm hmm hmmm hmmmmmm... [ Humming ]
Hey. What's this?.. Blood??..

Dugdugdugdugug.. [ Rushing Footsteps ]
Gaursh! Flippy!. [ Yelp ]
Lemme carry you up (He carried me on his back)
Hmm.. I'm thinking.. Where should I take you?..

"T-To.. the h-hos..pita..l ass..hole."-I murmured.

Yah! Right! Here we go!!

End of Flashback.

W-wait! What?! That was Lump--


"Hey Fliiiiippyyyy!."

"Ahh!. O-Ohh.. He-Heyy there Lumpy." I stumbled not knowing he would came in the middle of the moment.

"Say. You ok? Look I got a surprise for you! Tadada."

He said with a cheerful smile and raised a box of cake he was carrying.. and.. it's awfully big.. I guess..

"..Cake huh?."

"Yeah! It is said eating sweet things would relieve stress and pain."

"O-Ok. Thanks."

"Alright. I'll be on my way then." He was walking to open the door.

"W-Wait.. Thanks for bringing me here anyway. I promise to give you back the favor..sometime."

"Ok!." And he left with a big smile.

That idiot... I never thought the idea that he would be able to rescue someone. He really improved a lot. That's great!.

"Splendid.." *gasped*

I didn't know what happened to him! I have to check on him! Fuck! Where's my goddamn phone?! Ugh!.

I quickly removed patches on my arms including the dextrose and ran out of the room to know where he is. Nurse!

"Hey can you check the patients log book?! Please make it fast!.. Uhh.. The name's Splendid!." I'm overcomed with anxiety and fear. The reason why I can't talk well.

"Uhm. Sir, the patient already got out just this morning. W-Wait.. you're wearing a hospital dress!'re a patient here sir?!.."

"Uhh..uhh." I'm speechless. FUCK!

"Nurse! Nurse!."

The fucking girl called allies. Then 2 male nurses held my arms and walked me back to my room.


"You too?! No!." I exclaimed.

"I already told you about it Splendid! As your older brother you MUST obey me! Leave that guy and be straight you fucking gay!."

I was surprised Splendont knew our relationship while we keep it tightly hidden. How did he know it?!

"Gender doesn't matter if it's TRUE LOVE!."

"True love you say?! You're really out of your mind haha!." *smirk*

"Don't make fun of us. How did you know this." I asked him expressionless.

Love Is WarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang