Scenario 5: Revelation

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"Ahahaha! I'll kill you whoever you are! You can't scape and hide my darling to me.."

I said to myself holding a knife in my hand..

"Am I paranoid?! No! Ofcourse not! Why would I be?.. I know he will come home. He will come home.. It just needs a little prosecution and everything will be fine! Back to normal! Haha!."

I don't know if I'm going insane or crazy or whatever but.. All I really know is I love Splendid and I will do everything to get him back.. I will prove him that I'm better than his 'mistress'..


"Flippy? Can we go out somewhere?.. You" -Splendid

"Hmm? ..Yah sure!."-Flippy


Splendid invited me to go out on what I think.. date? I'm so happy we get to be with each other, away from anyone who will judge our relationship.. At the park we're sitting on a bench.



He held my shoulders and made me face him.. (0///0)..
He kissed me! It was the one full of his love. I kissed him back.


We pulled away when we heared someone shouted Splen's name. He quickly stood up when he saw the person.

"F-Flaky?!!.." -Splendid *shocked*.

W-What?! She's here?!.. How the hell it happened?!.. She looked at me and I saw her eyes widen, tears began to form in it. I felt guilt and shame but what should I do? We are trapped.

"Y-You?.. What are you doing with..Oh my god!.."-Flaky

"Yes! We are loving each other Flakes. And there's nothing you can do."-Splendid.

"No!! There's still a way and there will always be a way my love."-Flaky

She started to stare at me like she's going to kill.

"You destroyed my life before!! You kill me everyday! You are harassing me all my life! I leave you because I don't want to get hurt anymore! Now you came back and stole my boyfriend?!.."

"Flaky shut it up!!!!.."

Splendid tried to stop her from accusing me. I didn't mean to do it before. I-I just don't know how to control my alter, it was all an accident.

"Flakes I-I'm sorry.."-Flippy


She took out a knife from her back then I felt nailed on where I was standing. All of a sudden, all memories from the war flashbacked, gunfire, air attacks, bombs, warcrafts, blood stains.. I-I could hear him laughing.

"Now's the time to pay.. Let me play and make my day."

No! No!..

Flippy raged out and Flipqy took control on his body. Splendid was shocked for it was his first time to see Flippy raged out in actual. The Veteran grabbed his neck and strucked his bowie knife at the Hero's stomach.

"You stupid brat! Remember what I said? .. I'm not going easy on you."-Flipqy

He slashed his chest and torn his ribcage apart, took his heart and crushed it. He cut down his head until it was seperated from his body then plucked out his eyes and pulled his tounge. The bloody and gory scenery was witnessed by the pitiful girl who's now dying in fear but not yet actual. The Veteran stared at the girl.

"Hey. Thanks for letting me out My Dear Wife.."

He said with a creepy smile on his face, walking closer step by step to her.

"Why are you stepping back? Are you afraid?."

Flaky kept moving back until she was trapped to a wall.

"No please don't hurt me.."

"You're so brave to take out a knife and try to kill us. Show me your heroic love power again Sweetie."

He was leaning against her body which makes the space tighter. Flaky tries to struggle to break free.

"You were as beautiful as always Sweetheart.. Why don't we just live together and be happy again?."

Flipqy started to touch her face with the back of his hand.

"Be happy?.. but you're violating me.."

"Uhh no My Dear. I just want you to follow my words. If you didnt disobey me you won't get hurt."


"Ssshhhh.." He shushed and forcefully kissed her, bit her bottom lip until it bleed.

"Ahh..." He punched Flaky at the stomach and she lost conciousness.

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