Scenario 8: Splendont's Secret

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"RAAAAAAAHHH! Get away from him!." -Splendont.

The red themed guy punched the two other veterans. With his super strength, he knocked them down in no time.

"Hey you alright?!." Gasping for air he quickly ran to Splendid.

"Y-Yeah.. Thanks.. f-for the help.."-Splendid.

"How the hell you got caught in a commotion! In your house?!."

"I-I don't know! I don't even know what the fuck it is!."


Splen's soaked with his own blood. Gasping for air and almost dying when I came. He was sitting on the floor holding his left shoulder stabbed and was flowing with blood. His skin is turning white like ceramic. I looked around and saw a man with green hair lying also on the floor. I can't remember knocking him down at the moment.

"Hey who's he?."


"Hey Splen! Splen! Hang up I got you."

He fell to the ground from extreme blood loss. I quickly carried him bridal style and brought to the hospital.

After almost 16 hours, he woke up.

"Ugh..Uhnn..hhh.." I felt joy. He opened his eyes.

"Hey. You ok."

"Uhh.. Yes.. Uhnn.."

"That's a relief to hear. Don't disobey your doctor ok. I'll be going then." I pointed my finger to him, stood up and leave.

Oohh! Shit! I have to hurry! Flaky my dear.. I can't wait to see you and hear your sweet voice. I want to touch your soft skin. I want to cuddle you. I miss you that much.. Forgive me I checked my brother out first and had to take you for granted..

I quickly ran to my Flaky's house to visit her. Since the last 3 months, I've started courting her. She insists that she still does loves my brother but now they broke up, wether she likes it or not, she's mine.

[Dingdong! Dingdong!]

"Flaky!." Not contented with the bell I knocked the door. I didn't just see her last night but it seems like forever to me.

"Heyy! Can you stop bragging the door?! How many times would I tell you I don't need you!"-Flaky

"I-Im sorry.. Just worried 'bout y-you.. so.. I came up here.." My voice startling. I knew my moves would drive her mad but I really am truly inlove with her.

"What?! Why're you still here! What do you want?."-Flaky

"Uhm.. About Splendid.." She widen up the door.

"What about him? Come..come on! Get in."

I found her voice in the tone of being interested. She suddenly grabbed my hand and pull me inside. The moment she holds me is like the world is in slow motion. I felt her soft hand making friction on mine.

"Hey sit!. Now tell me about him."-Flaky

"You're really kinda obsessed with him huh?."

"Absolutely. J-Just get to the point!."

"Yeah.. The thing is.. he was brought to the hospital yesterday.. He's beaten by 2 men.. and one that I didn't know was there."

I bowed my head in fear of seeing her reaction. It hurts when I realize the fact that she's more concerned about my brother rather than me.


"Ha?." *gasped* She uttered a name. The same as what Splendid tried to say before loosing conciousness.

"..He's with Flippy?."-Flaky

"You mean the guy in green hair and camo?." I out-of-nowhere asked.

"Yes. That's him." Her teeths are chattering.



"What should I do for you to love me? Do you hate me? Tell me what should I do. Please Flaky.."

"..Splendid and that Flippy boy had a strong relationship."

"W-What?!" I saw her eyes filled with rage. "That can't be haha my brother isn't gay."

"Yes he is!" Flaky desperately cut off my laughter.

"..He is gay Splendont! He left me for my ex boyfriend which is his boyfriend now!. Please help me. Take him away from that guy."

"In one condition. From now on, you will be my girfriend."

"..But I .." (0///0)

I kissed her. Take a tour in her mouth with my tounge. I felt deep pleasure. Heard her moan in the feeling of opposition.

"I love you Flaky. It was my deepest secret eversince I met you. But you chose my brother so I had no chance to confess. Now you're all mine. Your everything is mine. You can't scape."

"Do you swear to break their relationship and prove me your love?."-Flaky

"Yes. Everything you wish."

"Then I'll deal with you." With that I lay her on the couch and go further.

This can't be. Splendid? Gay?! Wether he like it or not I'll break them. He should become straight and focus on saving the world with me. And as of that Flippy who got a lot of nerve mocking me.. Tsk. Just try to pick a fight and I will give you what you want!.

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