Chapter 7

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—————————-Miguel's POV———————
You sleep silently in his arms as he walks through a portal. He decided to take you back to his apartment, it's less stressful and he has everything he needs to treat you. He sets you down on his bed and goes back to looking at your wounds. Anger grows inside of him and he growls quietly. Not wanting to wake you.

He grabs a kit he made, it has healing tech in it. He looks down and realizes he is going to have to take off most of your suit, which is ripped to shreds anyways. He used his claws and cuts the suit off around your torso, exposing your skin to the cold. He feels himself get even more angry as he looks at the state they left you in. But he could help thinking of how beautiful you were, even like this.

He opens the kit, grabbing a few tools. He uses one to take just a drop of blood from your arm, to see any venoms or toxins. And he finds a lot...  he takes the chip with your blood in it moving it from the computer to another price of tiny equipment. It scans the toxins and venoms, making a cure to help your advanced healing overcome them.

It finishes making a vial of medicine and he put its into a tube, carefully injecting it into your arm. He then moves to the gashes on your body. He pulls out a tube of paste. It'll clean the wounds, fight infections and help heal them. He gently rubs them in the cuts and gashes littered around your torso.

He then numbs the really bad and deep gashes, before getting to work on stitching them up. He bandages around your chest, making sure the stitches won't come off. He pulls out a little scanner and scans your body.

It shows you have multiple broken ribs and a fractured arm. He grunts angerly, wishing he could beat up the people who did this to you again. The ribs and arm should heal itself though. He gives you a dose of another medicine around the broken areas just to help with pain and healing.

He looks down at your face next, gently rubbing over the cuts and bruises with the cream, watching as they instantly close up. He cups your face in his hands and looks down at you with affection, a bit of worry still on his face. He sits next to you as he waits for you to wake up... he can't help but feel this is familiar..

He can't believe it really. He couldn't believe you felt the same as him, maybe the kiss was a fluke? Maybe you didn't mean it. If they wanted Miguel just as much as Miguel wanted them, why did they have that reaction the first time Miguel kissed them?  He shut up his thoughts and just focused on making sure you were okay.

—————————Your POV——————————

You soon wake up, slowly blinking your eyes open and the first thing you see is Miguel smiling warmly at you, and you can't help but smile back. He grabs your hand.

"Cariño...your awake"

He says softly, whispering as his thumb glides over your hand. You continue smiling at him, trying to sit up. He notices your efforts and helps you, leaning you against the headboard.

"How do you feel? I patched you up the best I could but you should still take a bath"

You hum and nod at this. You are surprised your not I'm more pain. You look down at your body, finding your chest exposed and wrapped neatly in bandages.

"Thank you.."

You offer, smiling soft. Your glad Miguel came to rescue you. You gave up hope after the first few hours of torture.

"You don't have to thank me"

Once again, a feeling of fimiliarity.

"Here, I'll take you to the bathroom, you don't want to open those stitches"

He says before scooping you up I'm his arms again, carrying you into his bathroom. He set you down so you sat on the lid of the toliet as he drew a bath for you.

"So you think you can manage the rest yourself?"

He says turning back to look at you. You nod.

"Okay. I'll bring you some of my clothes you can wear. They might be a bit big, but they will work."

He gives you a soft smile before walking out. You stand up, using the counter for support as you strip the rest of your suit off, sighing as you sat in the tub. The warm water enveloped you, and you didn't mind one bit.

Soon their was a knock at the door, and like he promised Miguel brought in a change of clean clothes and a towel before leaving again. You note how he was also chained into regular clothes. Damn. He looked good in everything. When he set the clothes on the counter he made sure not to look at you, but you peeked at him.

You relaxed for a bit longer before getting out and changing into the clothes be brought for you. They were big, but comfy. It was a regular grey shirt and grey sweatpants. You walk out of the bathroom and find him sitting on his bed. He smiles as he sees you.

You stumble over to the bed and sit down next to him, you felt way better but you were still a bit dizzy.

"Wait here, I made you something to eat"

He says getting up and walking out of the room and into his kitchen. You smile and nod, loosing yourself in thought. You wonder why he is being sweeter than usual and that's when you remember how you kissed him when he came for you. You were injured and not in the right state of mind, but your glad you did it. Your face goes red at the memory, but warmth fills your chest at the same time.

He walks back in with a plate of warm food and some water. He sets it down on the bed next to you before sitting back down. You smile brightly at him before starting to pick at the food.

"How do you feel?"

You looks at you with affection and still a bit of concern laced into his gaze.

"Im still a bit dizzy and my chest hurts.. but I feel way better. Thank you, Miguel. Really"

He smiles.

"I'm glad you feel better Cariño.. and you don't have to thank me.."

His gaze turns sad.

"You know... I- ..I let myself get attached to you... I told myself I wouldn't but I did.. and then I found out you were in danger and.. Mi Rey, I was so worried. I thought I might loose you like I lost everyone else.."

You nod, understanding and feeling bad for making him feel like this. You lean over and rest your head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry.. for making you worry..  I'm also sorry for the other day."

"The other day?"

He tilts his head in confusion

"In the training room, When you kissed me. I should've kissed back, I wanted too, I was just shocked.. I never thought you would feel the same towards me... I do really like you Miguel."

Miguel's eyes go wide in realization when he remembers what your talking about. And the tips of his ears go pink.

"Cariño... it's okay.. I'm sorry for running off.. I just thought I made you uncomfortable, I didn't want to scare you away... and I really like you too, Mi Sol"

He smiles softly, turning you he can cup your face in his hands. He rests his forehead on yours for a beat, before pulling away and letting you finish your food. You weren't sure you would be able to with all the butterflies in your stomach, but you took a bite anyways.

Which your glad you did. This man was like a 5 star chief, how did he learn to cook like this? You've had his cooking twice now and it's the best thing you ever had both times.

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