Chapter 1

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Her rapid footsteps across the tiled floor echoed through the old room, her pace sure and purposeful. Any in the museum already made sure to stay away from the determined figure, none willing to engage in a conversation that they knew would feel like losing a battle. 

She walked past the great displays of taxidermy and faraway; none the object of her particular fascination this time. Ancient history was her destination, and no one would stop her from getting there as fast as she could.

When the great oak door stood before her, she rapt in quick succession, not bothering to wait for any form of reply before she opened the door and took a seat on one of the few old chairs that were more for decoration than anything else.

"I've found something."

The man on the other side of the desk groaned. 

This was a recurring discussion for them, one that was equally as dreaded and anticipated (two guessed as to who felt what) since Andie was always sure that she had discovered the next Pompeii.

Unfortunately for her, the majority of call-ins were publicity stunts or prank calls and trawling through old books and maps could only get her so far. She had yet to give up, however, sure her own dig was just around the corner and that her chance to change history wasn't some childhood fantasy. There was something inside her that had to know the truth behind every secret, every mystery.

She never really considered that things stayed hidden for a reason. 

Nothing exists to remain undiscovered. It was the phrase she lived by, practically tattooed on her forehead. Pair that with a stubborn personality and you have a frustratingly obstinate post-PhD who's unwilling not to follow every lead to the very end.

And it was for this reason that Mr Allen, head curator at the British Museum, outwardly displayed his lack of enthusiasm. He already knew Andie's determination meant she wouldn't be leaving his office until she had gotten at least a semblance of something she wanted, if not all.

"Miss Cassis, we have been through this before. You must have sufficient evidence to form an archaeological team, not just for any random sighting of some bone sticking out of a rock."

Andie scowled at the old man. "I do wish we'd forget about that incident. It's not my fault that dog chew toy was shaped eerily similar to a human femur!"

"You could have at least waited until someone had dug the thing up before calling it in as 'the next big historical site'."

Andie shrugged. "I'm enthusiastic, sue me."

Henry shook his head despairingly and muttered, "Trust me, I wish I could," to which Andie scowled, again.

"Anyway, we're getting off topic," she waved her hand dismissively before continuing, "This time I really believe I've come across something." At the sight of Mr Allen's skepticism, Andie tried to reassure him. "I actually have evidence this time, truly."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

And so Andie proved it. The video was shaky, slightly blurred but the picture was clear enough to provide proof of Andie's enthusiasm. 

"This is real?"

"Definitely. I'm like, 99.999% sure."

"And the ending?"

"Most people think it was a stunt to get more viewers." A gory one at that, one that would not be well received if online viewer's theories were proved correct.

"And if it wasn't?"

Andie laughed. "I'm sure some poor sod will care enough to call someone to check in with the couple. But the drama isn't important, what was behind that wall was." She leaned in closer, tapping on the screen. "That, was a tomb. In Britain. Centuries old from the look of those markings. This really could be the next big thing." She leaned back smugly. "When have we ever had something that wasn't just a castle? Or some tool from the stone age?"

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