Chapter 5

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The darkness was suffocating; it overwhelmed his senses, forcing terrifying memories to the forefront of his mind. It also concealed the dangers Daniel was always so wary of, had always feared. Of course he had thought he had out-grown this childhood phobia but a world without light was undeniably terrifying to him still.

For good reason.

Daniel could feel his heartbeat rise, could feel his breath leaving in hyperventilating pants. He tried reassuring himself that there was nothing that lurked unseen in the gloom, even when he could have sworn there was another shape leaning over the tomb.

There's nothing to be afraid of. There's nothing to be afraid of. It was a mantra that circled his mind, the consistency and focus aiding his attempt to calm himself.

Just when he thought his breathing had returned to normal, he felt a first grasp on his forearm and let out a gasp of surprise while trying to push away from the creature.

"Stop being so dramatic Sherlock."

Daniel paused, calming again at the familiar voice. "Cassis, what on earth do you think you're doing."

A light flickered on and Daniel squinted into the light. "Making sure you were okay?" The dry tone was very much unappreciated. "You didn't seem to be doing very well."

He hated that he wasn't over his fear, that it was so noticeable. "I'm perfectly fine," he snapped.

Daniel could see the shape of Andie's person behind the light and a gesture that could have only been a shrug. "Whatever makes you feel better."

Daniel groaned audibly, wondering how he was stuck with such an infuriating woman. "So, what do you think happened?"

"Power cut I guess. Not too difficult to imagine since we're in the middle of nowhere."

Daniel wanted to agree but something in him just couldn't. He also couldn't help but notice that Andie didn't seem so sure of her own explanation. The way she talked made him think she was attempting to reassure herself that there was nothing else to it.

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "You, uh, didn't happen to see anything else in the room just now, did you?"

He expected to be shut down, ridiculed by this woman who derived too much pleasure from annoying him.

What he didn't expect was to see wide, almost frightened eyes staring back at him. "You saw it too?" After the steel that had always imbued her tone, the uncertainty in her voice only furthered his discomfort. "You saw that, that thing leaning over the coffin?"

All he could manage in return was a tense nod.

Andie visibly gulped, her voice dropping to a lower decibel. "Wha-what do you think it was?"

And that's what scared Daniel - "I have no idea."

Andie nodded and turned away, trying to hide the fear that was so clear on her face. Daniel followed her example and turned his attention back towards the tomb.

He couldn't see much in the darkness, the only light being that from Andie's head-torch and it wasn't nearly enough to illuminate even the stone dais.

"Give me the torch."

Andie looked at him, shocked at his demanding tone. "Excuse you?"

"I need the torch."

She crossed her arms. "What for."

He sighed. "Something, it's important."


He groaned. "We don't have time for me to explain my reasoning to you."

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