Chapter 7

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She had been having a lovely day; a satisfying morning followed by a very pleasing afternoon. She hadn't meant to start seeing things, or getting skittish - it kind of just happened.

"Hiya honey, back again so soon?"

Andie grinned sheepishly. "What can I say, you've got me addicted."

The lady behind the counter smiled widely. "Aren't you the sweetest little thing."

Andie looked down at herself, checking that all five feet six inches of her were still there and then at the lady who barely reached her shoulder.

"Uh, yeah?"

The lady, who Andie had previously found out was called Lacy, laughed good naturedly. "You're not one for social interaction, are you darlin'."

"Ha, not at all. Always preferred books to people, much simpler, less drama."

She smiled that smile, the sympathetic, all-knowing grandmother smile which perfectly complemented her silver hair. "You just need to find the people who bring you out of your shell, that's all."

"When I do, I'll be sure to let you know."

"You'll be staying for a while then?"

"As long as it takes for my business to be concluded."

"What would that be?"

Andie looked at her face, innocent and clearly eager to be helpful but she couldn't help but be cautious. As helpful as it might be to get the townsfolk's input, she couldn't bear to involve anyone else, for their sake and hers.

"Nothing much. Just... scouting the area you could say."

There was a glint in Lacy's eye. "Looking for a holiday home up here?"

"Yeah, though maybe not something so permanent."

"Well, you never know-"

"Now you're here, you might never leave."

Andie looked up, startled by the sudden appearance of the figure in the doorway. "Pardon?"

The man was old, in his nineties at least, fine white hair sticking to his temples sparsely. "There's something about you," he sniffed the air deeply. "Yes, you won't be leaving."


His movements were sudden, much quicker than what she had anticipated for a man of his age. Before she knew it, a handful of salt was being thrust beneath her nose. She stepped back quickly, Lacy coming with her with a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry about him, lost 'is marbles years ago."

Andie turned around to face the figure again, a figure that had disappeared and left nothing but a trail of salt behind.

"Sorry about the scare dearie. Anything else I can help you with?"

Andie shook herself. "No, no. I'm all good now," she said, holding up her nicely wrapped danish as proof. "I'll be on my way now."

As she stepped out of the door, she heard a muted reply, "I'll be seeing you soon."

She ignored the shiver that ran up her spine and forced herself to believe there was nothing tangible about the shadow creeping around the side of the building.

Just my imagination.

She walked around the town, intrigued by the architecture. It was a typical old English town, right down to the cobble streets and houses of which the original foundations were still clearly visible. She squinted, wondering if she was seeing the shadows dancing around the shapes towards the bases of the structures or if they were simply a figment of her imagination. She reached out, fingers gently brushing the indents in the stone, the feeling cool to the touch. Andie crouched, stepping closer to the images and letting her gaze rove over them critically.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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