Chapter 4

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Andie was up before the sun the next day, determined to get as much alone time with the site as possible. Following her call with Mr Allen the evening prior, she knew she had little time to determine the importance of that cavern; little time to find what it was that made it so special. 

She wasn't lying when she told detective Reeves that there was something different about this place. She knew because it was something that made her hair stand on end and sent shivers down her spine. 

The walk from the town to the site was lengthy and especially tiring with all of her equipment. Slung around her neck was a high definition digital camera, her bag contained a portable printer and scanner as well as all of her tools - chisels and brushes included.

The hill to the cave entrance wasn't steep but there was a definite incline, one that left her out of breath when she reached the top, at the same time as someone else.

Andie dropped her things and went to shout at the strange figure dressed all in black. 

It was only when she neared that she recognised the familiar gait and stance of her chosen enemy - everyone needs one, it's healthy. She was also annoyed to see that he wasn't breathing heavily in the slightest, something she made herself feel better about when she realised that he, unlike her, didn't have bags of heavy equipment. 

"Ah, great. Just what I didn't want," she muttered. Then she spoke up more loudly, "What on earth are you doing here?"

He looked up, an irritated grimace on his face when he noticed who had spoken. "Most likely the same thing you are."

Andie huffed. "I came to get some alone time with the site," she gestured to his person, "Which i guess is not going to be happening." 

"Ever so sorry."

She didn't like sarcasm when it wasn't her using it. She found it quite irritating really. 

"Sure you are."

"No, you're right, I'm not."

She huffed again and picked up her bags, walking inside the cave. When she heard the footsteps behind her, she decided to act like an adult. "I'm sure we can work simultaneously without too much disruption, right?"

"Of course."

Neither sounded convinced but the both continued pretending for the sake of civility. 

After their tenuous truce the day before, neither were sure what would happen when they were forced in close proximity for a longer period. 

Although, as much as she hated to admit it, Andie felt it might be nice not to be so alone. 

When they got to the cavern, she switched on the floodlights that had been brought in during the police investigations and settled her bags down. From her satchel she retrieved a piece of paper and some tape, sticking it to the stone wall. She turned around and was surprised by Daniel's proximity. She didn't say anything, noticing his eye line was fixated on the list of rules she had just put up. Andie just slipped efficiently to the side and continued to sort out her materials onto the floor. Right now they were all in order, meticulously placed but she knew herself well enough to predict that after a few hours, everything would be scattered around the area.

No matter how organised she tried to be, it just wasn't part of her repertoire. 

She was shaken from her musings by Daniel walking over and, without a word, pulling something from her bag. Andie still didn't say anything, just watched as he pulled on some overshoes and carefully stepped into the cavern, avoiding the marks on the floor as he stared at the markings on the wall. 

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