1092 AD

1 0 0

Power comes in many forms, I've found.

It can come from magic; from the dead, from the living. It can come in status; wealth, social standing. Then it can come in knowledge; secrets, understanding.

I have the pleasure of being in possession of all three.

People know who I am now, they know what I can do, and they fear me, all of them. Whether they follow me or try to hunt me, they're scared.


Because they know that nothing can touch me and that I, well, I have the power to change the world. And I have the knowledge on how to do it.

The dead and the living, I need both to have complete control.

I already have a hold over the living, over the people that worship my every step, my every breath. Next is the dead, and there's only one way to control death.

To defy it entirely.

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