3. Peter & Wanda Meet

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May 7th 2025

Peter POV

It's been a few months since what happened with Doctor Strange and having him do the spell that made everyone forget who Peter Parker was.

It's been hard adjusting to my new life, but I know it'll be ok.

I recently got my GED and applied for ESU, but I'm still waiting for a reply.

I became a freelance photographer, and if anyone needs photos for a special occasion, I'm always up for the job.

As Spider-Man, it's been kinda rough, especially with Jameson on my back.

He blames me for everything, when it isn't my fault.

Some weeks ago, I saved people from a collapsing bridge and saved everyone in sight.

Alot of people still don't like Spider-Man, as the cops have shoot on sight orders.

Some time ago, my old friend Adrian Toomes came for revenge, but I stopped him.

What I didn't know was that he wasn't alone. He brought another friend, Herman Shultz, The Shocker.

I also stopped him and sent both of them back to jail.

At the moment, I, Peter Parker, is volunteering at the F.E.A.S.T Center. It's something I do every Saturday and Wednesday.

After I'm done here, I'm gonna go out for an evert I was hired to photograph for.

A wedding.

I get paid gracefully, which helps me pay my rent on time and keep up with my metabolism.

On the outside, I look like a regular guy who's surviving New York.

On the inside, I feel so alone.


I have no one.

No friends.

No family.

I mean, I've made friends, but not the ones I want in my life.

No Ned.

No MJ.

No May.

No Happy.

I once visited Peter Pan's Donut Shop and saw Ned and MJ making out.

Turns out they're dating now, and are happy together.

It hurt to see that, so I avoid ths Donut shop at all costs.

As I finish with helping around I turn and see Anna.

"Hey there Peter. What's on the schedule for today?"

"Someone hired me for my services in photography, so I'm kinda busy".

"Bummer. I was hoping you were free".

"You have an event tonight, also right?"

Anna nods.

"Yeah. We could've used you".

"Maybe next time".

"Thanks anyway Peter".

"No problem".

Anna leaves.

Peter really likes Anna. She's become a friend of his.

He finishes with organizing boxes in a room and is hungry.

He walks out and see's Anna again.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna take a lunch break".

Peter walks towards the exit and accidentally runs into someone, but he catches that person.

He see's it's a women, and he instantly recognizes her.

"You- your Peter Parker?"

"Wanda- Wanda Maximoff? You remember me".

Wanda looks at Peter, with a confused face.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Wanda POV

I finish eating and pay for my food.

Ever since finding F.E.A.S.T nearly two weeks ago, Anna had helped me get on my feet.

She's helping me in my money situation. I'm currently saving up to get an apartment.

As I walk back, I see a TV screen and an old man rambling.

"Spider-Menace. Yesturday, he was seen causing a car to flip over in the busy streets of Manhattan. Yes he caught the bad guys driving it, but he nearly caused damage to the city, leaving us citizens to pay for the damage. When will he learn we don't need him. We' were better off without him".

I shake my head.

I remember meeting Spider-Man, or as I remember his name, Peter Parker.

He was at Stark's Funeral with his Aunt, his only family relative.

I remember seeing her picture some days after I found F.E.A.S.T and heard of her passing.

I felt sorry for his loss.

I immediately wanted to find Peter and comfort him, but I didn't know where to start.

I walk back towards to see if Anna needs help. It's the least I can do since she's helping me get on my feet.

I walk into the F.E.A.S.T Center and I run into someone.

I trip over, but the person catches me.

I see a brown haired man, and I immediately recognize him.

"You- your Peter Parker".

"Wanda- Wanda Maximoff? You remember me?"

I look at him in confusion.

"Why wouldn't I?"

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