8. The Next Day

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Narrator POV

May 22, 2025

After Wanda had her nightmare, and Peter helped calm her down, it took her sometime to fall asleep.

She fell asleep in Peter's arms, which Peter had ni problem with.

They sleep comfortably, as the sun comes through the blinds.

Peter wakes up and finds Wanda asleep on him.

He runs the sleep out his eyes and he decides to wake up.

He slowly moves with out waking Wanda up and takes a shower & changes his cloths.

He has no plans for today and its a rare day off.

He sees Wanda's cloths and put a them to wash.

He decides to cook breakfast food him & Wanda, who should be up soon.

As he cooks, Wanda starts waking up.

She covers her eyes as the sun hits them and she runs her eyes to wake up.

She then starts smelling something cooking, and it smells delicious.

Wanda wakes up and remembers that she's staying at Peter's apartment.

She gets off the bed and finds him cooking.

Peter turns around and smiles.

"Good morning sleeping beauty", Peter says.

Wanda smiles.

"Good morning. Thank you for letting me stay for the night."

"Of course. How'd you sleep?"

"After that nightmare, I don't remember much."

"Well, you did fall asleep peacefully sometime after, so I say you had a good nights sleep."

Wanda remembers now. She remembers falling asleep in his arms, and finding comfort.

Wanda smiles as she turns away.

"Thank you for last night."

Peter looks at her.

"What are friends for."

Wanda smiles.

Peter is definitely a friend now.

Peter serves two plates & hands one to Wanda.


"I am hungry."

As Peter eats, Wanda looks around for her cloths.

"Where are my cloths?"

"Oh, I put them to wash. They should be done in 20 minutes, then you can dry them."

Wanda nods and starts eating.

Peter is a good cook.

"You know, if this whole photography thing doesn't work out, you can alwats become a chef."

Peter chuckles as Wanda smiles.

"That's a good back up plan", Peter jokingly says.

Wanda chuckles.

That Night

Peter & Wanda spens time together.

He ordered some Chinese food, while also paying his rent.

They watched some movies & they jad a good time.

Wanda was grateful to meet up with Peter.

Peter did comfort her through an episode of remembering what happened against Stephan, Wong & America.

She looks away blushing, she finds Peter really handsome.

Peter finds Wanda to be the most beautiful woman he's ever met.

Currently, Peter is walking Wanda to the F.E.A.S.T Center.

"Thanks for spending the day with me Peter. Today was fun."

"It was. If we have a chance soon, we should do it again."

Wanda nods in a smile.

"I agree."

Wanda grabs Peter's hand and holds it, while kissing his cheek.

Peter blushes.

"Bye Peter."

Wanda walks in, as Peter smiles.

He walks away, as he holds the cheek Wanda kissed.

Wanda walks in and finds a smiling Anna.

"I saw that. I didn't know you knew Peter."

Wanda smiles.

"He's an old friend."

"He volunteers her few days out of the week. He's a good guy."

Wanda smiles even more.

"He's a great guy."

Wanda walks to her room and closes the door.

She changes and falls asleep with a smile on hed face and with Peter on her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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