Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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It had been nearly a week since everyone moved out of the underground. Though you were proud of fulfilling your mission of freeing the monsters, something unpleasant inside you still lingered; the resets.

It was a warm summer's day. You yawned and stretched as the sun peaked through your curtains. Your door opened slowly as a familiar voice began to speak,
"Mornin', Frisk," A deep voice sung. You rubbed your eyes tiredly.
"Paps is makin' ya breakfast this morning. We were thinkin' that whilst I'm workin' at the shop, you could play with Tori's new kid during playtime. They're a little older than ya, but I'm sure you can make it work, huh?" He continued.
"Mhm," You replied.
"Alright then, bucko. See ya after work,"

You started walking to your new school, completely forgetting about breakfast, wearing your signature pink and blue striped onesie and dark brown snow boots. You happily hummed as your backpack stitched with a red heart shone in the morning sunlight. You notice a car pull up in the parking space nearby.
"Goodbye for now, my dear child. I hope you make some friends!" Said a familiar voice. As you were just about the approach the driver, a kid reminiscent of someone you had met before stepped out of the car, a kid of very few words, such as yourself.

Class was going very slow. Your eyes began to close due to the sheer boringness of the atmosphere. Just about every student seemingly felt the same way, their drowsy faces drifting towards makeshift pillows made from their rolled up jumpers and hats. Miss Alphys realised the situation and let everyone out five minutes before the bell rang.
"It seems as if most of you are not getting a enough sleep. Or, maybe, you just don't like algebra. How odd," She snickered. As you made your way to the cafeteria, you stepped on something odd. To your horror, the bottom of your boots shimmered a white dust. You took a breathe and looked more closely at it. It was just sugar.

At the end of school, you walked home, feeling an intense guilt for your past actions. The lives you took. The things you said to your loved ones. That was the day that you vowed to never reset again. You finally did things right this time, you weren't gonna sacrifice it to become a selfish megalomaniac again. Upon reaching the door to your home, a note hung on it. It seemed to be in wingdings so you had little to no understanding on what the note was about. You shrugged it off and opened the door with your key.
"Good afternoon, human Frisk!" Says Papyrus in his usual eccentric fashion. You nod to him as a way of silently saying hello back to him.

You walked up to your bedroom and snuggled into your purple blanket with red hearts on it. You thought about how much you've missed the surface. Spending a year in the underground was challenging, but you feel as if your time there has made you more mature. "You are nine years old now," You said to yourself, "I'm almost a grown up!"

Tales Of Determinationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें