Chapter 3: The Escape

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After spending the rest of the day in the baby classroom, you got a stern scolding from Miss Alphys. You started walking home when you had an awful, but brilliant idea.
"I don't want to live here anymore. I want to go back to the underground. All the kids there were alright with me, why can't everyone love me here?!" You said to yourself. You reached the door to your home, reluctant to go inside. You hesitated, then made your decision; you were going to run away from home.

It was getting dark very quickly. You had been walking for not long, but your stubby child legs ached from the lack of exercise. You had to do a lot of walking in the underground, but after a while, it wasn't really needed anymore unless it was walking to a shop or school. You walked into a sketchy looking alley way, hoping no one would spot you. Suddenly, a deep raspy girl's voice sung out from the darkness.
"Hey, squirt. Beat it. This is my garbage," She said as she munched on some chalk. You recognised that voice, and a strange consumer of chalk.
"Hey, I know you! Are you Susie from class?" You said.
"Depends. Who's askin'?" She said, slowly stepping out of the shadows. She grinned evilly, her golden teeth shining in the moonlight.
"Woah! You're epic! You remind me of someone," You say, gazing upon the majestic pink crocodile monster.
"Is that right? You look like that idiot Kris. You related to them or somethin'?" She replied. You started to feel a little threatened. You took a few steps back which turned into running. You looked behind you to see if anyone was following, but it was only your shadow. You started to get second thoughts about running away.
"But I miss Snowdin," The thought spiralled through your head again and again. You desperately wanted to go back to that winter wonderland, playing with Monster Kid all day whilst Sans and Papyrus got up to their usual antics. You missed the comfort you felt whenever you made a new monster friend. Now that everything was "normal", you were going to have to live with monsters AND humans. But no one listened to your cries about how the monsters are treated. You fell onto your knees and cried as you realised you had lost your way, just like when you climbed Mount Ebott.

"Why? Why do I keep running? Why don't I ever do as I'm told? Why am I such a bad kid?"

There was a sudden shudder that shock through your body as you heard a twig snap.
"W-Who's there?" You stuttered, getting into a fighting pose. You heard slow footsteps approaching, crunching in the gravel with every step.
"Frisk? Is that you?" A familiar voice asked.
"Sans?" You replied.
"Oh, kiddo! I was so worried about you!" He said, running over to you and embracing you with a boney hug. You gently wrapped your arms around him, whimpering  slightly.
"Why didn't ya come home, bucko?" Sans asked with a concerned look on his face. You thought for a second. Sans had always told you to be honest with your feelings and not bottle them up. But, you were scared that this would be another situation that he couldn't be able to fix for you.
"I miss the underground. I miss the snow and the puzzles, and Grillby's! I- I home." You said, getting more and more tearful with each sentence.
"Oh, kiddo," Sans said, patting your dark brown fluffy hair.
"I miss home, too. I know that this must be hard for ya, ya did spend a year in the underground, after all. But, up here, this is where you belong. You're safe now." He continued.

"I-I suppose I am..."

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