The Night of Interruption

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Authors Note:

First off, I love you all so much! Sorry for hurting your feelings last chapter :( I really love all your comments and support though, you mean the world to me!

Second, just a quick thanks to Lovesnacks on Archeiveofourown and LoveVegetables on Wattpad for the recommendation of the "Return of Garreth" plotline. Also, thanks to anyone else who kinda hinted that or liked the comments, you all are so smart.


"Y/n! Y/n, your hands!" Ominis managed to speak through ragged breaths. Judging by the way he had burst through the library doors and bustled to your table in the back, he had most likely run from somewhere very far away. His labored breathing continued to stutter his speaking as he attempted to finish his sentence. "Are they...are they alright?"

As strange as this interaction may have seemed, it was quite commonplace for the two of you now. It had been months since he had turned you down, but keeping your promise, you two had continued to be best friends. Only a week or so after your attempted confession, these anxious rampants of his had begun, often barging in on you and questioning the most random of things. He had previously asked you if you were having any trouble breathing, then if you had any strange bruises, missing any personal items, strange encounters with animals. You wondered if it was his attempt at a joke. Still, his undying concern for you left you continuously confused and often annoyed.

You would have perhaps enjoyed some time apart to manage your broken heart, but Ominis was as clingy as ever, meeting you outside of every class and walking you to every meal. You could hardly peel yourself away to use the lavatory.

"Ten fingers, ten toes." You murmured absentmindedly, staring down at your book. Your pre-programmed response only further illuminated how frequent of a concern this was for him. You'd meant to ask him about it sooner, but regretfully you had been much too busy in the last months. Not to mention the quick comments you had made about it were met with extremely evasive responses. You could not take more toying of the heart. Regardless, your O.W.L.'s were quickly approaching and between all the time you spent doing outside-of-class 'homework' such as stealing hippogriffs and fighting dragons, you sucked up any uninterrupted time with the books that you could.

Ominis placed a hand on the table to stabilize himself as he continued to heave, though his expression appeared greatly relieved at your response. You looked up at him for a brief moment as you turned the page to see him wiping a brown spot of what looked like dirt from his cheek. "Are you alright, Ominis?"

"Fine." He muttered, straightening out his ruffled uniform. Under his eyes settled heavy dark bags which had become quite familiar to him as of the previous few weeks.

"Care to sit?" You kicked out the chair across from you with your foot from underneath the table and he graciously sat down, slumping against the back of the wood. "Never took you for the cardio type."

Ominis remained quiet for a while before he spoke again, allowing himself to calm a bit. His eyes closed in thought. "It's not by choice." He inhaled sharply. "Uh, I've been told I'm expected to pass the rudimentary flying O.W.L. Rather short notice." His voice was violent and distracted.

"What?" You looked up from your book again, this time, with much more determination in the gesture. "They can't do that, can they?"

Oh, Merlin. It's you. (Ominis x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now