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I walked into the bar to meet with Lars. He was sitting with his liquor and hitting on a girl as usual.

I sat down in front of him and he faced me and gave me a suspicious look. I raised an eyebrow confused on what he's going to go on about now.

"Why do you look so happy?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow again and tilted my head.

"When am I not happy looking?" I asked with a laugh.

"Umm all the time, you always look like your dog just died now you look like you got a new dog." He said.

I was shocked at the coincidence of his dog metaphor but Lars senses and knows things he shouldn't so i wasn't all that surprised.

"Well don't ruin it cause today I just feel...lighter." I said.

"Mmm, who's the lucky girl?" He asked with a smug smile plastered on his face.

I rolled my eyes and got up from the stool. I definitely walked right into that one.

"Come on Lars." I said, obviously annoyed.

He struggled to get up, made me wonder how much he drank at 10 something in the morning.

"Fuck you James." He said as he continued to bump into things.

I shrugged and we got in his truck and drove to Peanut's. Which I dunno why I let him drive since he was about drunk.

"Ms. Ivy!" Lars shouted singsongy.

"Shut up Lars!" She shouted from the back.

She came back and saw me and smiled.

"Hey baby, you look so happy." She said with a knowing tone and smile.

"Why are you guys saying I look so happy?" I asked sitting down on a chair.

"Cause you don't look like your dog just died." She said.

I rolled my eyes since that's exactly what Lars said.

"That's what I said. He said he didn't meet a girl so i'm wondering why he's so happy lookin." Lars said.

"Mmm you should tell him James." She said eyeing me.

"Peanut!!" I exclaimed.

"So he did meet a girl! You liar. Who?" He demanded, getting in my face.

I sighed and rolled my eyes but Nut was right so I thought of how to set him down in the most gentlest way so he can process then tell me how being gay is nasty or whatever.

"I'm gay." I said.

Lars choked on his own spit and started coughing dramatically. He was losing his balance and holding onto anything.

"So dramatic boy quit it before you knock one of my antique vases down. If you break one it's gonna be me and you." She threatened.

He put his hands on his temple and closed his eyes, he looked like he was processing and I waited to get his feedback.

"It's makes so much sense now, how you'd run off after guys, how you wouldn't look at any lady, how you always seemed uninterested when I talked about girls. It's that- it's that mechanic ain't it?" He asked.

Now that surprised me, how did he fucking know. I only talked about him once and he saw me go after him once, so how?

"Ding ding ding!!! We have a winner!" Peanut said.

"Wait how did you even know?" I asked genuinely surprised.

"I'm practically a detective Jim, it was obvious. When you talked about him that one time your eyes seemed to light up and then you were always looking at him and you followed him to the bathroom and was in there for a while and then you guys came out around the same time. And every time you said it was guy or saying you didn't kiss a girl you were implying about that mechanic. I just didn't think about it too deeply since I thought you liked girls." Lars said.

my mechanic (kirkhammettxjameshetfield)Where stories live. Discover now