Faiz's New Bike and a strange event.

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We started at the backyard where Yuto in his Faiz form was testing all of his ability with the Faizphone.

Yuto (Faiz): ok let's see what we got. "He said as types some codes in the faizphone."


Then his faizphone turned into a gun form like mode as he shoots the empty can.

Yuto (Faiz): ok then. Next. "He said as he typed another code."

1-0-6, BURST MODE.

Then he starts shooting all the cans with his Burst mode faizphone as the cans exploded one by one.

Then he starts shooting all the cans with his Burst mode faizphone as the cans exploded one by one

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(Just imagine he was was shooting a can.)

Yuto (Faiz): ok enough with the shooting. "He said as he pull out the Faizshot from the side of the belt, placing the mission memory on it and then put it on his knuckle as he press enter on his Faizphone."


Then a red glowing light bright to his left hand where he put the Faizshot on as he charged towards the rock then punched it with full force as the rock exploded and making a Faiz symbol in front of him.

Then a red glowing light bright to his left hand where he put the Faizshot on as he charged towards the rock then punched it with full force as the rock exploded and making a Faiz symbol in front of him

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After he destroyed the rock. He De-Henshin. Until Molly called him through the window.

Molly: hey Yuto! You have a Big package!

Yuto: what package?!

Molly: I don't know. But it's a bigger one!

Yuto: ok then. "I said as I go to the front yard and to my big surprise." NANI?!! "I yelled as I saw a motorcycle at the front yard and a letter." Hmm.... what's this letter?

Dear Faiz,

Consider this as a Gift. It's a SB-555V Auto Vajin. Here's the code to use it:
You're welcome.

From: ???

Molly: a mysterious guy or girl....

Yuto: huh? Weird but cool though. "He said as he sits on the motorcycle as he starts to revving it up." Wow! This is way cooler than I thought! [To Molly] want to have a joyful ride with me~? "I said in a flirty way as she blushed and nods."

Molly: [blushing] y-yeah.... "She said as scratch appears behind her."


We now see Yuto and molly driving around town at night when they passed through the park as Yuto and molly saw 3 female teens and 3 male teens opening a strange box when suddenly a bright rainbow light appears along with a Red, Black and Purple light and then the rainbow light engulfed the 3 female teen's vision as they disappeared and a dragon, a bat and a cobra absorbed the 3 male teens as the bright colors disappeared. Yuto and molly just look at the park fully speechless until Yuto speaks up a little."

Yuto: wtf was that?!


As Yuto and molly got home as Yuto parked his new Motorcycle at the garage at the side of the car. Yuto still remember what he and molly just witnessed. A red dragon, A Black bat and a Purple cobra just appeared and absorbed the 3 male teens and disappeared.

Yuto: first a boy and a girl entered a mysterious door and never came out, and now 6 teens disappeared after opening a strange box. What the heck is going on?! "He said as the screen fades black and then a Zolda, Faiz and Ryuki's logo are shown."

End of chapter 4.

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