Game Night.

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We started the chapter in Yuto and Molly's room after they visit Gravesfield, Connecticut and helped Kamen Rider Amazon Omega. Yuto is trying to contact Ryūji but he's confused, why Ryūji didn't pick up the call?

Yuto: What happened to that guy?

Molly: maybe he's busy right now.

Scratch: maybe he's trying to betray you again!

Yuto: Come on, Scratch, He's not bad anymore. I hope so...


We now see them at the living room with the others as they're playing their old game.

Sharon: live from the McGee Family living room in Brighton's defund manufacturing district. "She said while looking at her family (plus Yuto and minus Scratch) having their excitement looks." It's wheel of Chore fun! "She added showing the Wheel that was made out of Cardboard and stuff."

Scratch: the Heck is this? Other than a waste of perfectly good macaroni? "He asked in disgust while picking up a piece of macaroni on the wheel."

Molly: it is a time-honored tradition that all McGees, including Yuto, must face.

Yuto: yeah..

Molly/Yuto: [in unison] The McGee Family Chore Wheel...

Yuto: I mean, it's not that bad like what we did back when we still live in our previous home. Right, Molly? "He asked as Molly Nodded."

Scratch: [irritated] But why do I have to clean the house? You bought it, [looks at Sharon] You clean- "He was cutoff after seeing Sharon's Angry face which scares him." And there's that stare so I'm in for chores.

Yuto: [chuckled] Baka...

Molly: okay, here we go! "She said before spinning the Wheel and it stops at the Closet." Aha! Closets! Nailed it!

Then it was Yuto's turn as he spins the Wheel and it stops at the Garage.

Yuto: [feels energetic] Yosha!

Then it's now Pete's turn to spin the wheel, then it stops at the Carpets.

Pete: Carpets... uh, not great for my dust allergies...

Then next was Darryl as he spun the Wheel and it stops at the kitchen.

Darryl: kitchen. I'll take it.

Then it's now Sharon's turn as She spun the Wheel and it stops at the Compost duty.

Sharon: Compost Duty. Phew...

Then Finally, it's Scratch turn, Yuto pushed him next to the Wheel as Scratch spins it. We see Scratch was now looking at the Spinning Wheel as he was nervous of where will it stop. Well he's unlucky since the Wheel stops at the Downstairs Bathroom.

Scratch: [disbelief] NO, no! Not the Downstairs Bathroom! [Disgusted] that's the grossest chore of all! I command a re-spin!

Then he tried to spin the wheel again but Sharon stops him by pulling him away.

Sharon: Too late!

Yuto/Molly/Pete/Darryl: [menacing] the Wheel has spoken...

Scratch: [pulls away from Sharon] this is Outrageous! When I became a McGee, I was under the impression families were all about perks. Like unconditional love, [Yuto place a Bucket at his Arm] Free food, [Pete and Molly places a towel and gloves on him] and a bunch of schmoes who do anything for me. [Angry] I didn't sign up for manual labor!

Sharon: it's all part of being a family, Scratch.

Yuto: yeah, sometimes, it means fun and games, today it means hard water stains around the toilet.

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