The Greatest Concert Ever./ Faiz vs Kaixa vs Riot troopers.

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We started the chapter at the Bandshell with the Sign "Audition Day." On it as we see 4 guys singing but didn't get accepted. It also happened to the others who performed. Then we pan out as we see the McGee Family, Yuto Kanzaki and Mrs. Patty sitting at the audience chair.

Mrs. Patty: [to the kid performer] get off the stage! "She yelled as the kid walks away sadly."

Molly: [Nervous] Okay, Thank you! That was.... That was really something.

Yuto: yeah, we'll be touch.

Scratch: [grunt] Well, I'm glad I don't have eardrums, 'cause they would be bleeding!

Yuto: but admit it. You liked my performance yesterday. [To Pete] right, Mr. McGee?

Pete: absolutely. [To scratch] well, I didn't they were all bad, and Darryl Clearly liked it. [To Darryl] right, Darryl? "He asked only to reveal that he was wearing a airpods and listening to a music."

Darryl: Huh? Sorry, I was listening to Atomic Pink. Didn't hear any of that. "He said until Yuto gets closer to him with an excitement look on his face."

Yuto: [excited] can I also listen to it? "He asked as Darryl offers him the left side of the Airpods."

Molly: [stands up and gets in front] Look, those acts were fine, but, [Looks at them] is fine really good enough for the Second Concert in Brighton's new and improved Bandshell?

Mrs. Patty: [stands up and approach Molly] No! We need something that'll rock this town! Just like Yuto's performance yesterday.

Molly: [hugs Mrs. Patty] Exactly! Like [star eyes] Kenny Star!

Sharon: who's Kenny Star? "She asked as Molly pull down a projector screen as it now transitioned to Molly and Yuto's room."

Molly: Kenny Star is Brighton's Biggest celebrity. Well, technically he was born in Tuscaloosa, but his great-great grandmother's second cousin once removed did summer school here, which means Kenny's basically a Brightonian! Check him out! "She exclaimed before pressing something on the remote."

Scratch: [whispered] Where did you get a projector?

Yuto: [whispered] I probably stole it from a classroom. "He said when Molly suddenly pull him and scratch out."

The projector then plays showing Kenny Star singing. After that, the video ends.

Pete: Just like me.

Sharon: No! [Points at Pete] Nothing like you! Never trust a musician. They'll listen to your self-produced Demo tapes, Promise to make a star, then leave you standing in the rain with an acoustic guitar and a suitcase full of broken dreams.

Pete: uh...what? "He asked until scratch interrupts."

Scratch: People! This guy is a Huge celebrity! He's never stepping foot in Brighton!

Molly: oh, really? Wait 'til you see what I have planned! "She said before removing the projector screen then showing Kenny Star's face with some random photos of places."

Scratch: ahhhhh!! We're going to murder him!

Yuto: [shocked] Baka! Īe! "He exclaimed as Molly pushed Scratch away."

Molly: Right now, Kenny's Tour bus is on its way to Cleveland, and we're going to intercept him!

Yuto: great idea!

Molly: Assuming Kenny is, as his song states, an "ordinary man", who weighs approximately 180 pounds, and his Tour bus, which leaves from here at noon, Traveling 65 miles an hour, add in his insatiable need for a fresh cup of Colombian dark roast every 3.2 hours, Factoring in a stiff easterly wind from this high-pressure system, And his needs to stretch his perfect porcelain legs to avoid varicose veins, he'll be arriving at this highway rest stop near Brighton in exactly... [Shows tablet with 30:00 in it] 30:00 minutes!

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