Dark Reflections

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As the sun sets and the night comes out, Anne and Marcy get ready for their nice date. Anne and Marcy wear their dresses when they and The Planters hosted the dinner party with Sasha and Grime, they walk out of the castle as they head to a nice restaurant in Newtopia. Sasha was following them as she wonders why Anne and Marcy are looking all nice tonight. Anne and Marcy sit at their table as they just have a great time together.

Anne and Marcy hold hands as they admired each other. "Marcy, you look so beautiful tonight." Anne said as she just looks at Marcy like a dope. Marcy's cheeks turn red as she runs the back of her neck. "You look beautiful too, Anna-Banana." Marcy said. Anne smiles and blushes as she strokes Marcy's hand. As they eat their dinner, they hear some nice music playing.

They see everyone getting up as they smile. "May I have this dance, Mar-Mar?" Anne asked as she did a extended her hand out to Marcy. "Yes you may, Anna-Banana." Marcy said as she takes Anne's hand. Their hands interlock as they slow danced. "Hey Anne?" Marcy said. "Yeah Marcy?" Anne said. Marcy's cheeks turn red as she slowly danced with Anne. "Do you remember when prom rolled around?" Marcy asked.

Anne nods her head as she wonders what Marcy is talking about. "Well, I wanted to ask you out to prom but I was too scared to ask you out as I thought you would say no." Marcy said. Anne's cheeks turn red as she smiles and kisses the top of Anne's head. "Mar-Mar, I would have loved to go out with you to prom." Anne said. Marcy smiles as she kisses Anne on the lips.

Sasha was hiding behind the counter as she witnessed Anne and Marcy kiss, her heart shattered as she just witnessed her secret crush, Anne, kiss Marcy. "Anne... I wanted to be your girlfriend so much... I changed for you and did everything to make you proud of me... and you decided to date Marcy... How could you..." Sasha said as tears streamed down her face as she now knows her chances with Anne will Never happen.

Sasha become heartbroken as she becomes sad with Anne and becomes angered at Marcy. "Marcy... You stole Anne away from me... how could you..." Sasha said as the tears continue to stream down her face. She gets up and sneaks out of the restaurant with a broken heart. Marcy looks at Anne and kisses her. "Hey Anne? Are you also in love with Sasha?" Marcy asked.

Anne's eyes widen and soften. "Marcy, I only love Sasha as a friend, even if she asked me out I would just say I'm not interested. Your the one I love and I love you with all my heart." Anne said. Marcy smiles as she hugs Anne. Marcy knew Sasha had a crush on Anne but Marcy had a much longer crush on Anne when they first met. "Hey Anne, I started crushing on you when we first met." Marcy confessed.

Anne's eyes widen as she blushes. "You... Always loved me?" Anne asked. Marcy nods her head. "Yeah, I always have. You were by my side and you always protected me and I wanted to say, thanks Anne." Marcy said as she placed another kiss on Anne's lips. Anne gave in as they parted the kiss. "Your welcome, Mar-Mar." Anne said. They remained there as they leave the restaurant and he'd back to the castle.

Anne and Marcy got into their pajamas as they lay down in Marcy's bed together. "Anne, I feel comfortable now that your here." Marcy said. Anne holds Marcy's hand as she kisses Marcy's forehead. "Yeah, it feels great." Anne said. They look at each other as Marcy moves closer to Anne hugs her. "Hey Anne? Well we have a bright future ahead of us as a couple? Will we get married one day?" Marcy asked.

"Marcy, I hope so. I would really love to marry you." Anne said. Marcy was thinking about having a daughter as she thought of the perfect name for their daughter. "Hey Anne? When we have a daughter, do you like the name, Lya Wu Boonchuy?" Marcy asked. Anne smiles as she kissed Marcy's forehead. "Marcy, I love that name." Anne said.

Anne and Marcy just lay in bed was they held each other tightly, Sasha watch her crush hold Marcy tightly as she heard everything. She tears up as she wanted to be Anne's girlfriend but now she can't, she walked away as she reminded upset at Anne and angry at Marcy. Anne and Marcy lay in the bed together as Anne kisses Marcy's forehead and then her cheek.

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