Marcanne vs Darcanne

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After leaving the dungeon, Darcy and Core Anne walk down the hallway while holding hands. Darcy smiles as Sasha has become weak and a useless leader of The Resistance and a massive failure, she's not worthy of The Calamity Stone of Strength or worthy to be a member of the ancient olm prophecy. Darcy looks at Core Anne who has rage and anger in her which made Darcy pleased that Anne is now against the people she loves apart from Marcy, who she's loved ever since the two were kids.

Darcy's eyes soften as her smile changed to a normal and happy smiles. "Anne? Are you okay?" Darcy asked. Core Anne looks at Darcy and sighed. "Yeah, it's just that I thought Sasha changed, she's just using us for her own gains and needs. she never cared about us, she's just a horrible human being." Core Anne said. Darcy hugs Core Anne tightly and rubs her back.

"Anne, you don't have to worry, it's just me and you. all you need is me Anne, you were always there for me when I needed you and now I'll be here for you when you need me." Darcy said as she kisses Core Anne. Core Anne smiles as she hugs Darcy back. "I Love You, Marcy, I'll never leave your side again." Core Anne said as she holds Darcy tightly.

Darcy smiles as she hugs back. "Good, that's all I wanted to hear. I Love You Too, Anne." Darcy said. The two break the hug as they hold hands and walk down the hallway back to the throne room, The Core has finally gotten what it wants. It finally possessed Marcy and has finally controlled the chosen one of the prophecy, everything has proceeded as The Core has foreseen. Revenge is Theirs now.

In The Core...

Marcy was tied up in mechanical tentacles as she sees Darcy/The Core with an evil grin on their face, Marcy knew her time was up as she couldn't defeat The Core within her own body. "Marcy, it's over for you, we're in control now and there's nothing you can do to stop us." Darcy/The Core said. Marcy looked at the hivemind and looked away as she could stop the hivemind.

Marcy started tearing up as Anne is now under The Core's control now, she'll never see her beloved Anne again. "Oh Anne, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault, if I didn't find the box, none of this would have happened." Marcy said as tears streamed down her face in complete depression and sadness as she felt like she failed Anne and is just a disappointment.

Marcy then flashes to the times her and Anne spent together when they were kids and teens, she smiles as she loved being with Anne as being with her made Marcy feel better and feel safe. Being around Anne made Marcy feel comfortable as she'll never forget the times she and Anne spent together as she remembers those times like they were yesterday.

Marcy's Flashback...

Anne and Her Parents came to the beach, they spent time together. Anne was just playing in the water, she saw a girl making a giant sandcastle. it was so gorgeous, Anne went over to the girl and said hello. Marcy was finished with her masterpiece, until some girl came over. "Hello." Anne said.  Marcy said hi. "Hi." Marcy said.

"This castle of your looks so good." Anne said. Marcy smiles. "Thanks." Marcy said. "it's from my favorite game ever, so I decided to build it." Marcy said. "I'm Anne by the way, what's your name?" Anne said. "Marcy." Marcy said. "Marcy, I really like that name." Anne said smiling. Marcy blushes at this. "Thanks." Marcy said.

Anne and Marcy hold hands and become good friends. Anne went over and splashed the water away. "Hey Marcy, do you want to help me splash the water away?" Anne asked. "Umm... I rather I stay right here, I don't want to get soaked and-Ahh!" Marcy got cut off when Anne grabs Marcy's hands.

Marcy giggles and they splash the water away so it doesn't Destroy The Castle. it was a losing battle, Anne and Marcy tripped and fell on each other. they giggled, but the castle got Destroyed, they saw it come down. "Aww man, the castle is gone." Marcy said. Anne turns Marcy's head. "Marcy, I know we lost the castle, but, we found each other." Anne said.

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