Darcy's Grand Reveal

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The Next Day...

Darcy woke up as she saw Core Anne asleep next to each other, her arm wrapped around her waist which made Darcy smile as they were both covered up all comfy and cozy in their bed. Darcy kisses Core Anne's forehead as she lays down and strokes her cheek, Core Anne opens her eyes as she smiles at Darcy. "Good morning, Marcy." Core Anne said as she stretches her arms and legs. Darcy then giggles as she kisses Core Anne's forehead. "Good morning, Anne." Darcy said.

Core Anne looks at Darcy as Darcy's messy hair causes Core Anne to stroke her hair, Darcy sees Core Anne stroke her hair as she smiles. "You really like my hair, Anne." Darcy said. Core Anne blushes as she stops and holds Darcy's hand. "Your very pretty, Mar-Mar." Core Anne said as a small but recognizable blush appears on her face. Darcy blushes as she lays down and kisses Core Anne's cheek. "Your pretty too, Anne." Darcy said.

Darcy and Core Anne laid in their massive bed in silence as Darcy decided to break the silence. "Anne? Are you ready?" Darcy asked. Core Anne wraps her arms around Darcy and she falls asleep again. "Just five more minutes." Core Anne groaned as she hugs Darcy tightly. Darcy then laughs as she kisses Core Anne's cheek. "Alright, Anne." Darcy said.

Darcy strokes Core Anne's hair as she heard a faint snore come from her as she giggled a little. "Anne, your so cute when you sleep." Darcy giggled as she boops Core Anne's nose. Core Anne nuzzles closer to Darcy as she felt the softness and warmth of Darcy's skin, she then strokes Darcy's scars as she kissed them which made Darcy giggle a little as that tickled her a little.

Core Anne wakes up finally and kisses Darcy's cheek and strokes her messy hair. "Come on, Mar-Mar, we have a special surprise for everyone." Core Anne said. Darcy smiles as the two get out of bed and get dressed, Darcy dons her armor, helmet and cape and Core Anne dons her crown, halter top, dark dress, leggings, high heeled boots and arm sleeves.

Darcy looks at Core Anne and blushes as her eyes soften and she holds her hand. "Anne, I honestly think you look super hot in that outfit." Darcy said as she giggled a little with a blush across her cheeks. Core Anne blushes as she kisses Darcy's cheek. "Mar-Mar, I honestly think you look awesome in that armor." Core Anne said. Darcy smiles and kisses Core Anne's cheek. "Thanks Anne, I Love You." Darcy said.

Core Anne then smiles as she rubs her thumb on Darcy's hand. "I Love You Too, Marcy." Core Anne said. The two walk out of their bedroom and down the hallway as they go down to the chamber to reunite with an old friend to help them in the quest for revenge. Darcy and Core Anne spot Andrias as he was working on his laser sword as Darcy smiles. "Well Anne, look who it is." Darcy said as she holds Core Anne's hand tightly.

Darcy and Core Anne hold hands as the walk down the stairs towards Andrias. "Andrias." Darcy spoke which caught Andrias' attention. Andrias smiles as he was happy to see Marcy but will be horrified of who he's about to see. "Hey Marc- MY LORD!?" Andrias shouted as he was shocked to see Darcy/The Core standing in front of him with Anne holding her hand.

Andrias then calmed down as he kneeled before Darcy. "It's... Shocking to see you again, My Lord." Andrias nervously said as Darcy was standing in front of him with a serious expression. Darcy then took out and ignites her laser scythe as Andrias became more horrified then ever. "Oh Andrias, you thought a pathetic letter from old friends can turn you against us?" Darcy gloated which caused Andrias to gulp nervously.

Darcy's anger bubbled to the surface as she gently held Core Anne's hand. "As we said Andrias, We are all you need, We are all you will ever have, Understood!?" Darcy shouted at the newt king. Andrias knew that if he turned against The Core, they will kill all of Amphibia and the new friends he gained. He has no choice. "Understood, My Lord." Andrias said.

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