Sasha's Rememberence

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As The Invasion Begins again, Darcy and Core Anne watched from the throne rooms balcony as all the citizens of LA were seeing the invasion happening again. Darcy chuckled in enjoyment as she sees all the horrified expressions on their faces. "Oh Anne, I just love seeing all the people's faces all scared and terrified as the new rulers have come to take over." Darcy said as she looks at Core Anne.

Core Anne leans her head next Darcy as she only wants to be with her, she holds Darcy's hand and rests her head on Darcy's shoulder. "Yeah Mar-Mar, and it'll only be me and you together as we conquer The Multiverse together and rule forever." Core Anne said as she placed a kiss on Darcy's cheek.

Darcy's eyes soften as she kisses back and they head back inside the throne room and they sit down on the throne with Core Anne wrapping her arms around Darcy's right arm and rests her head on Darcy's shoulder and falls asleep next to her, Darcy sees Core Anne asleep as she hears a faint snore come from her. Darcy giggles as she lays down on the throne and lays Core Anne down next to her.

Core Anne wraps her arms around Darcy and she cuddles her girlfriend tightly, Darcy smiles and kisses Core Anne's forehead. "Goodnight Anne, I Love You." Darcy said. "Goodnight Marcy, I Love You Too." Core Anne said. The two fall asleep in each other's arms as Andrias comes in and sees the two asleep together in each other's arms, Andrias grabs a big red pillow and blanket and has them lay their heads on the pillow and covers them up.

Andrias smiles at the fact that Anne and Marcy are now a couple now but he didn't expect them both to be possessed by The Core, he sighed as he leaves the throne room in complete depression and silence. Darcy and Core Anne hug each other tightly as they both aren't going to let each other go once they rule The Multiverse.


Sasha and everyone else were locked up in the dungeon as they were heavily guarded by Frobots, Sasha can't believe her two best friends are possessed by The Core. Sasha was feeling the guilt rising as she felt ashamed of herself then ever, she could have stopped The Core from taking Anne and Marcy away.

"Oh Anne and Marcy, I'm so sorry for what I've done." Sasha cried. "I wish I had just destroyed the thing when I had the chance, but it ended up taking you two away from us." Sasha continued to cry. She leaned back on the wall as she sat down, she leaned against the wall and she teared up. The Core had won and they lost, they can't stop it or they'll all just die.

Sasha failed Anne and Marcy, she could have stopped The Core frome taking them away but she didn't and that thing took them away and they became puppets. Sasha remembered that day when Anne, Marcy and her spent the day together when they were little, when Anne and Marcy were there for her when she needed it.

Sasha's Flashback...

Anne, Marcy and Sasha were around six years old as they were spending the day together as they were in a nice grass field together, Anne pulled Sasha's hand as Marcy was walking in front of them. "Come on, Sasha! Let's have some fun!" Anne said with joy. Sasha looked around and saw it was peaceful and calm as she had Anne and Marcy by her side.

Anne and Marcy arrived at a good spot as they sit down, Sasha sits next to them as Marcy rests her head on Anne's shoulder. Sasha sat next to Anne as she sees Marcy resting on Anne's shoulder, something in Sasha made her feel her stomach twist and turn as she felt upset that Marcy was resting in Anne's shoulder. She felt jealous that Marcy was cuddling Anne.

Sasha then thought in her head. "Why am I feeling this way when Marcy is snuggling Anne, why do I feel this way?" Sasha said. She looks at Anne and Marcy all comfortable together, Marcy fell asleep on Anne as she smiles. Marcy wraps her arms around Anne and hold her close, Anne sees this and smiled. "Aww Marcy, you really don't want to let me go, don't you?" Anne asked.

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