Fight from The Inside

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As Darcy and Core Anne regain their control over Andrias and Amphibia, The Frobots managed to capture The Resistance and sends them into factories to work as slave and build them more Frobots. Darcy and Core Anne rule over all of Amphibia as the castle hovers over Newtopia and the two new rulers monitor Newtopia from Andrias' Throne with monitors that allows them to watch over the city.

Darcy and Core Anne hold hands as they have finally taken Revenge over Amphibia for trying to overthrow them, Darcy then looks at her new queen. "Anne, I can't believe Amphibia is finally ours." Darcy said as she holds Core Anne close to her. Core Anne looks at Darcy and smiled. "Yeah, we can now rule over this world together. Now they all know who the true rulers of Amphibia are." Core Anne said.

Darcy smiles as The Core has finally taken Revenge on The Resistance and they have Anne by their side for all eternity, no one can stop them now. "Anne, we can now rule Amphibia forever, no one can stop Us now." Darcy said to Core Anne. Core Anne looks at Darcy with a sinister smile on her face. "That's right, Marcy. If anyone tries to defeat us, we'll show them true power." Core Anne said. Darcy smiles as she kisses Core Anne's cheek. "I Love You, Anne." Darcy said.

Core Anne looks at Darcy and kisses her cheek too. "I Love You Too, Marcy." Core Anne said. The two stared at each other as they share a kiss on the lips and look over Newtopia as their new slaves are manufacturing new Frobots for their army, The Core has finally taken Revenge and no one can stop them now.

In The Core...

Marcy was in The Core as she was wearing her Amphibia armor as she was in a black void, she was on a dark gray flooring and saw pulsing orange from the black void. "Anne! Where are you!? Where am I?" Marcy asked. "Hello Marcy, it's finally good to have you under Our control again." Darcy/The Core said. Marcy spotted The Core as they appeared as Darcy this time as Darcy/The Core welded their laser scythe.

Marcy stood there as she looked at the evil hivemind possessing her body as Darcy/The Core stood their with a sinister smile on their face. "Darcy, please let me go, I'll do whatever you want just please just let me, Anne and everyone else go, please." Marcy begged. Darcy then laughed as she shook her head. "Aww Poor Marcy, you though it was all over, but we just got more stronger as Anne is finally under our control and Andrias is serving us again with no choice but to obey." Darcy muttered as she was paced back and forth.

Marcy stood there with shock as Andrias was obeying The Core with no choice, but Anne was now under The Core's control like she is. Marcy's anger was bubbling to the surface as her friends are now slaves but her awesome girlfriend is now under the control of the evil hivemind, Marcy the summoned Anne's sword as she got into a fighting position. Darcy was amazed that Marcy is going to fight for control as Darcy then chuckled.

"Well then, Marcy." Darcy said as she got into her fighting stance. "Let's Rumble Girlfriend." Darcy said. Marcy charges towards the hivemind as Darcy charged towards the star of wit as their weapons clashed against each other, their fight for control has begun at last.

In Anne's Body...

Anne was laying down on a dark gray flooring as she felt a little pain in her head as she stood up and looked around, she saw she was in a black void with dark blue pulsing through the black skies. "What the? Where am I? Marcy!" Anne shouted for Marcy's name but only got nothing. She then walked around the black void as she wonders where she is. "What is this place? what happened?" Anne asked.

"Welcome Anne, I've have been expecting you for a while." Core Anne said as she appeared in front of Anne. Anne's eyes widen in shock as she saw her dark reflection of herself, then it all hit her as she and Marcy were in a dark room and Darcy showed Anne her dark future as the future ruler of Amphibia alongside Darcy.

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