A Desperate Escape and Rematch

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After Darcy and Core Anne left the dungeon, Sasha knew she and the gang needed to find a way out of the prison. Sasha looked around her cell to see if there is an exit, she then sees an air vent as she smiles. She found her exit. "That could work." Sasha said. She knocks the vent off as she climbed up into the vent and crawled in them, she then sees multiple directions to escape from.

Sasha knew she needed to break her friends out but they were heavily guarded. "Hold on guys, I'll get you out." Sasha said. She crawled through the vents out of the dungeon, Sasha needed to find a way out as she then spots Frobots walking down the hallway. "Stupid Frobots, they can't even be prison guards if they were in an Actual prison." Sasha stated as she was so unimpressed with The Frobots.

She continued to crawl through the vents as she quickly spotted Darcy and Core Anne holding hands and talking to each other, Sasha followed then while hearing on what they were saying. "Anne? Are you okay?" Darcy asked. Core Anne looks at Darcy and sighed. "Yeah, it's just that I thought Sasha changed, she's just using us for her own gains and needs. she never cared about us, she's just a horrible human being." Core Anne said. Darcy hugs Core Anne tightly and rubs her back.

"Anne, you don't have to worry, it's just me and you. all you need is me Anne, you were always there for me when I needed you and now I'll be here for you when you need me." Darcy said as she kisses Core Anne. Core Anne smiles as she hugs Darcy back. "I Love You, Marcy, I'll never leave your side again." Core Anne said as she holds Darcy tightly.

Darcy smiles as she hugs back. "Good, that's all I wanted to hear. I Love You Too, Anne." Darcy said. The two break the hug as they hold hands and walk down the hallway back to the throne room, Sasha was angered as not only is The Core possessing both Anne and Marcy but The Core is telling Anne lies and deception so that she can be like her. Sasha knew Anne's dark reflection was in control as she just needed to break Anne and Marcy out of The Core's control.

She crawled to the throne room as she looked from the vents and saw Core Anne hugging Darcy's arm while resting her head on Darcy's shoulder. "Mar-Mar, I feel comfortable now that your here." Core Anne said. Darcy smiles as she kisses Core Anne's forehead. "I Love You, Anne." Darcy said. Core Anne smiles and blushes as she nuzzles closer to Darcy as she gets comfy. "I Love You Too, Marcy." Core Anne said.

Sasha got here swords out and busted through the vents. "Hey Nerds." Sasha said. Darcy and Core Anne look and sees Sasha freed from her prison as they smile and get off the throne. "Sasha! You are a bold one." Darcy said. Darcy ignites her Laser Scythe and Core Anne activated her duel bladded laser sword. "Okay you two, time for me to knock some sense into you." Sasha said as she got into a fighting stance.

"Aww Sasha, your really going to fight us, after everything you've done to us in the past." Darcy said. Core Anne smiles as she can finally get rid of Sasha. "Sasha, I think it's time for you to pay for what you've done to us, no one will remember you, all they'll remember is a toxic and controlling person who only cares about herself and no one else." Core Anne said.

Sasha knew that wasn't true as she knew what must be done. "Anne, Marcy, I'll get you two out and... I'm sorry for everything I've done, I'll be better for us." Sasha said. Darcy and Core Anne see Sasha's spirit as her time is up. "Well then." Core Anne said. Darcy and Core Anne got into a fighting stance as they smile. "Let's Rumble Girlfriend." Darcy said. Sasha charged towards Darcy and Core Anne as the hivemind couple charged towards her as their weapons clashed against each other, their final fight has begun at last.


Sprig and Everyone were imprisoned in the dungeon as Sasha already escaped and they were still trapped, Sprig had to find a way for them to escape without The Frobots seeing them. Sprig looks at Polly. "Hey Polly?" Sprig said. Polly looks at her brother. "Does Frobo have a feature where he can scan for a weak point on the cells?" Sprig asked.

"Hmm, well, when we were on Earth, I did make a few improvements on Frobo so that he can be even more useful. Let's see." Polly said as Frobo scanned for a weak point. He then detected a weak spot where the cell bars can be severed. "Weak Point: Detected." Frobo said. Sprig looks at Grime and smiled. "Grime, I think it's time to put that Warhammer to good use." Sprig said.

Grime smiles as the one armed toad picked up Barrel's Warhammer and smashed the bars, The Frobots see their escaped and blast them. Yunan came behind them and slashed them in half. "Well, that felt great." Yunan replied. "Good job, Yunan." Olivia said. Yunan's eyes widen as she has a small blush. "W-well thanks Olivia." Yunan said as she was clearly embarrassed.

Olivia giggles a little as Sprig, Polly, Hop Pop, Frobo and Grime exit their cell with Anne's parents. "Okay, that was a stocking surprise." Hop Pop said. "Okay guys, Sasha may need help with Anne and Darcy." Sprig said. "Yeah, your right." Mr. Boonchuy said. "Let's just hope their okay." Mrs. Boonchuy said. They all head upstairs while trying to evade The Frobots and Andrias.


Sasha fought both Darcy and Core Anne, Sasha charged towards Darcy as she clashed with the hivemind again. "Your going to pay for what you did to Anne and Marcy, Darcy!" Sasha shouted. Darcy smiles as she giggled. "Well Sasha, you could join us, becomes one of us and redeem yourself." Darcy said. Sasha was resisting The Core as she pushed Darcy back.

Sasha charged towards Darcy but Core Anne uses her Calamity Powers and punched Sasha into a wall, Sasha crashed to the ground as she saw Core Anne trying to crush her but she moves out of the way and kicks her to the ground. Sasha then pins Core Anne to the ground as she tries another attempt to free Anne. "Anne! Please! You have to resist! The Core is just using you! Please come back!" Sasha pleaded her friend.

Core Anne kicks Sasha off as she pins her against a wall. "Sasha! You think I would fall for your manipulation again!?" Core Anne shouted in anger. "You used me and pushed me around my whole life, I'm done with you and I'm done being your friend!" Core Anne shouted as she grabs Sasha and threw her across the throne room.

Sasha gets up as Darcy tackled Sasha to the ground and started punching her face over and over again. "Sasha! Your a weak and pathetic excuse of a leader! You don't deserve to have friends and family or a life as well." Darcy said. She then grabs Sasha shirt and slammed her helmet into Sasha's forehead, Sasha becomes woozy as she gets up.

Core Anne activated her Calamity Powers and punched Sasha in her stomach which caused her to fly into one of the pillers, Darcy uses her mechanical tentacles to smack Sasha in her face and caused her to fall to the ground in defeat. Sasha laid there as Darcy and Core Anne loomed over her. "Well Sasha, it's been fun." Darcy said. The Frobots come and take Sasha back to the dungeon as Darcy and Core Anne smile at their success.

"Well Anne, looks like Sasha isn't as strong as she looks." Darcy said. Core Anne looks at Darcy and holds her hand. "Yeah, she's weak and pathetic, she thinks she's stronger than us be we're so much more stronger than her." Core Anne said. "Yeah, we have a world to conquer, let's get back to that." Darcy said. Darcy and Core Anne watch the monitors and sees the invasion going down.

The Core has big plans for Anne and Marcy... Their about to have the world of their dreams come true...

Amphibia: Darcy's Revenge (Remake)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz