10: Xenia.

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In the ensuing weeks, April and I grappled with our differences, attempting to reintegrate into my former life. Taking a courageous leap, I brought her to Golden Vale to meet Joanna, unveiling the complexities of why Skylar had entered her world instead of Xenia. I emphasized the need to keep this revelation from Caleb, who seemed increasingly elusive these days.

Caleb's whereabouts remained a mystery, but it didn't concern me as I embraced the opportunity to reveal my true self to April. As Xenia, she shared my tears and sorrows, offering promises of support. Despite her heartfelt empathy, I didn't crave pity; I sought an escape from BBP without legal repercussions or Romano's wrath.

I confessed about Romano, revealing only as much as I deemed necessary to April. The dangerous aura surrounding him was kept deliberately vague. He was the kind of man whose name couldn't be uttered even within the confines of walls. A man capable of expressing addiction one week and subjecting me to Russian roulette the next. A man who could fuck his cousin and put a bullet in her—clearly, a signal to run.

There was no way around it—Romano could love, but his love had the potential to be utterly destructive. It was the sick kind that spelled doom for characters in the books I had devoured. My own tale seemed no different.

As I sifted through the TV for something lighthearted, April entered with a tray of salad. She had practically taken residence in my apartment for the past five weeks, starting exactly two days after my extensive apologies for the deception.

Our routine involved trips to her apartment during her shoots. While she immersed herself in live-action scenes, I occupied her chair, staring at my unproductive worksheet. After she would wrapped up for the day, we'd returned to my place to prepare dinner.

The routine deviated only three times in the last weeks—twice when Caleb stayed overnight and once when I unexpectedly crossed paths with Angelo near BBP. A diner encounter with him didn't hold much allure and only lingered at the back of my mind. We had discussed my profession and his frequent presence in that street.

I didn't believe in coincidences, so seeing him once there was a mistake, twice was certainly a pattern.

Actually, one thing was stuck at the back of my mind about him. He'd said he was the owner of Club Nova. Yes, my friend. The same fucking Club Nova I had visited almost three months ago. The best in Sicily. The one that had tripled my Instagram followers. What were the odds? Even April couldn't believe it, despite encouraging me to join Angelo for the diner chat.

Her yearning for me to move on, find a new relationship, and detach from Mr. Black Stalker —her newfound moniker for Romano—bordered on desperation. She'd go as far as wishing a gay man on me if it meant steering clear of Mr. Black. Each day, his presence etched deeper into my memories. Despite over four months of separation, nothing had changed. My attraction to him had only intensified.

"Nothing on TV," I grumbled, tossing the remote aside and focusing on the bowl of salad April had brought. "This is tastes even better than it looks."

April, despite her Instagram fibs, was an excellent cook. Her vegetable salad was always a delight. As I dug in, I shifted the conversation to Caleb.

"He's fine. Should be fine." April replied and chewed. "And you, any word from Angelo?"

"Angelo seems tied up. In a day, I doubt I cross his mind until he hits the pillow at night."

"Yeah, he must be busy. Owning Nova is a big deal. But it's only 7 PM. There's still time, right?"

I nodded, cautious not to bet on it despite mentioning his suggestion to take me to the club tonight. "I wouldn't put my money on it if I were you."

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