Chapter 18: The Dark Alliance

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(I know that in the actual story in the clone wars there was Ventress helping Ahsoka and everything but since Ventress is with us in this just pretend that someone else was there helping Ahsoka and by chance also had 2 red lighsabers :D)

From the shadows, Y/n observed the aftermath of the Jedi Temple bombing with a sense of amusement. He could sense the turmoil within Anakin Skywalker, the pain of Ahsoka Tano's departure from the Jedi Order. Telepathically, he reached out to his master, Darth Talon, and shared the unfolding events. Y/n speculated that this was all part of Darth Sidious' plan, as he could sense the Sith Lord's satisfaction with the outcome. A suspicion crept into Y/n's mind – perhaps Sidious intended to groom Skywalker as his next apprentice, replacing Count Dooku. With this in mind, Y/n resolved to rescue Barris Offee from her prison, suspecting that she played a crucial role in Sidious' scheme.

Y/n: (telepathically) Talon, the time has come. Anakin Skywalker's Padawan has left the Jedi Order, and it seems to have deeply affected him. It appears to be all part of Sidious' plan. I can sense his satisfaction.

Talon: (telepathically) Intriguing. Proceed with caution, my apprentice. Rescue Barris from her prison and ensure her loyalty. We cannot let this opportunity slip through our fingers.

Y/n: (telepathically) I understand, Master. I will retrieve her swiftly and return to you as planned.

Y/n surveyed the prison, searching for the most strategic and discreet approach to rescue Barris Offee. With multiple guards present, he knew he needed to proceed silently. Finally, he settled on the western side of the complex, the closest proximity to Barris's cell. Quietly, he infiltrated the facility, incapacitating guards with precision and stealth.

Y/n: (whispering) Just a few more doors, and we'll be there.

Finally, Y/n reached Barris's cell. With a focused exertion of the Force, he crushed the door, freeing her from captivity. Barris stared at him in shock, realizing that the Sith assassin responsible for her former master's death now stood before her.

Barris: (genuine gratitude) Thank you. I... I truly appreciate what you did. Luminara was a terrible master.

Y/n: (humble) It was no trouble at all. She was weak, and it took mere minutes to defeat her.

Barris: (nodding) I understand. You were right.

Y/n: (determined) I'm here to rescue you and offer you a chance to join me and my new master. Are you willing to take that chance?

Barris: (without hesitation) Yes, I want to join you. Luminara's ways no longer serve me.

A sense of satisfaction filled Y/n as Barris accepted his offer. They made their way out of the prison complex, silently evading detection. Once aboard Y/n's ship, Barris's curiosity got the better of her.

Barris: How are we going to leave Coruscant undetected?

Y/n: The ship is equipped with advanced technology, rendering it invisible to visual and radar detection. We will slip away unnoticed.

As they soared through Coruscant's atmosphere, Barris couldn't contain her burning questions any longer.

Barris: Why did you rescue me? Who are you?

Y/n: (removing his helmet) I rescued you to offer you a chance to join me and my new master. As for who I am... I am Y/n, the Sith assassin. I was on the brink of death when Darth Talon saved me and took me as her apprentice.

Barris: (gasping) Y/n... I can't believe it's you! How are you alive?

Overwhelmed with emotion, Barris embraced Y/n tightly, tears of joy streaming down her face.

Barris: Thank you for saving me.

Y/n: You're welcome. Now, let me tell you about our mission and our plans for the galaxy.

As Y/n divulged their purpose and the power of the Dark Side, Barris listened intently, her loyalty growing with each word.

Barris: I want to join you. Together, we can bring change to the galaxy.

Y/n: (smiling) I am pleased to have you by our side, Barris. Your loyalty is valued.

Returning to the presence of Darth Talon, Y/n introduced Barris Offee to his master, their gazes meeting with a mutual understanding.

Talon: Welcome, Barris Offee. Your dedication to our cause is commendable. Now, you shall swear your loyalty to me and Y/n.

Barris: I pledge my loyalty to you, Darth Talon, and to you, Y/n. Together, we shall shape the galaxy according to our vision.

Talon: Excellent. Y/n, escort Barris to her new quarters. Let her feel welcomed and integrated into our plans.

Y/n: As you command, Master.

With their dark alliance solidified, Y/n and Barris embarked on a new chapter, their shared destiny intertwining amidst the shadowy depths of the Sith.

(Trying this type of writing with the actual talking between characters, what do y'all think? Prefer this or how it was in the chapters before?)

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