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Brian's Pov

Now she cares about me? Now she wants to protect me? She yelled at me and bursted at me all of her anger and now she wants to make sure I'm okay and safe?

I don't get this girl.

Time skip, at university.

I was searching for Mia but I couldn't find her. I then saw her talking to some guy.

I went there and I caught her attention.

Brian:Say Mia, can I talk to you about something?


Mia's Pov

He took my hand and dragged me somewhere. He hugged me and started kissing my neck. What's wrong with him?

Mia:Brian, are you okay?

Brian:Where were you all this time? I need you beside me, aren't you my girl?

Mia:But Brian, I haven't seen you in weeks. You didn't call me.

Brian:What? Why?

Mia:How should I know? But anyway, did you know about that night?

Brian:What night?

Mia:At your friend's bachelor party?

Brian:What are you talking about?

He doesn't remember? What happened to him?

Mia:Brian, don't you remember? You were crying on Amber's shoulder and then you asked her if you can sleep in her bed.

Suddenly he placed his hand on his head and shut his eyes tightly, he started groaning making me confused. I held his hand and looked at his face.

Mia:Brian are you okay?

Brian:Aaahhhhh, my head hurts....

Brian's Pov

Suddenly a scene flashed in my mind, I was running with a girl holding her hand, we stopped behind a tree and started making out. She looks like Amber.... I was holding her ass.... Her smile flashed in my mind and it's unmistakable that this was Amber.

Brian:Uhhh.... Amber?!! Why is it always her? What's she doing?

Mia:Brian, talk to me.... Are you okay?

I ran to the boys bathroom and looked in the mirror. I washed my face and then looked back at it.

Brian:What's Amber to me? Why do I keep running into her? Why is she the only one who's around me? How come Mia doesn't know what happened to me? She even looks like she doesn't care. Amber is confusing me so much. She takes care of me and cries for me but this morning she crushed me by yelling at me saying that I don't care about her.

I mean, I don't remember her enough to care about her.

I was walking out of the bathroom but I bumped into Amber. Her eyes are puffy red, she has dark circles under her eyes. She was holding a file in her hand that showed a picture of a girl but it wasn't clear it was drawn , I recognized a little of the face.

She was about to go but I held her hand. I pinned her to the wall hard making her hiss In pain.


Brian:Who are you? WHAT are you to me?

Amber:Brian, what happened to you. Calm down, I'm actually not in the mood.

Brian:How come Mia doesn't know about the accident? How come I never bothered to call her for weeks?

She surprisingly blushed and bit her lip looking away.

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