Chapter VIII - Light and Darkness

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He was falling down an endless, dark sea - a sea marked by the absence of any living organisms, a vast world that caged him and only him.

Trying to think, trying to move, he reached his arm upwards, desperate to reach the light above him.

Yet the water only descended him further into the black abyss below.

He wondered where he was, what he was doing here, and what events had led to such an outcome. All he remembered was a large, titanic sword, swinging down and ripping his body in half in the dead of night.

What was he doing there? Where was he going? These were unknowns that hurt his mind too much to ponder.

But soon, he understood the meaning behind his state of affairs.

A man dressed in black, with long red hair waving and emerald-coloured magic that resembled geometry was suddenly before him, defending him from the beast that had cut him open. Every swing of the sword by the monster had missed, but no magic was working on it either. The intense fistfight continued, until he was picked up by a different set of arms, by a person he could not see, and he could recall nothing else beyond getting rescued.

He tried to move more, but failed - he couldn't even remember his name, his job, his friends - the only thing that was on his mind was one purple-haired girl, and an intense need to be at her side, to make sure she would be okay.

And by all means necessary, he would ensure such an outcome, even if it cost him his life.

The Will to Power ignited.

His body? Meaningless. His soul propelled itself forward, recognising the mistake of relying on flesh. The abyss got further behind, for he would not fall, not in a million years.

As he swam, the opening of light opened wider and wider - the void would not take him, not this time.

But soon, he heard a voice behind him.

"Ah~? Big brother... Won't you come join your beloved sister~? It's finally time..."

That... That was not his sister.

That could only be an illusion, for his sister would not fall into such depths within the ocean. It was only a figment of his imagination.

To become alive again, to become aware again, he had to escape and save his sister, no matter the cost.

"Big brother? What are you doing? Come back to me, now. "

"NO!" He screamed, not looking back. "I FORGE MY OWN DESTINY!"

Tentacles of pure white emerged from above, like an angel's, wrapping themselves around his limbs.


The demoness looked back at him with a deadly glare. "Ah... So that's how you want it to be..."

There was silence.

And then, in a split second, a long, black tendril impaled his chest straight through.

"I'm gonna drag you back to me, big brother."

"Tch..." He finally forced himself to look back, into her cold, empty, scarlet eyes, her hair swaying against the water, her long black dress extending into many more tendrils.

He was suddenly pulled back as if a ruler had snapped, rapidly being sucked back into his sister's arms.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere, big brother." She stroked his cheeks with both hands, grinning sardonically. "You're mine , after all~ You have no right to leave me."

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