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Thats the dress that will be mentioned

👆👆Thats the dress that will be mentioned

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'Niko Laurent'


Why is she taking so long? She was supposed to get her purse and then give me the 20K. Pathetic that her brother can't pay for himself, "she's taking too long" i grumble and Dario hums "me and Ivaylo will go in" he adds and i nod. They get out leaving me on my own and i sigh before getting out the car and following them inside

They both freeze in front of me and i shove them out of the way, stilling when i see her on the floor unconscious with blood running from her nose and bruising evident on her olive skin

Oh fuck. Ivaylo crouches down and whispers stuff to himself "wake her up, i'll find out who did this" i say to Dario and walk off searching the house for another person in the house. I spin on my heel quickly when i hear footsteps, my hand goes to my gun in my waistband and pulls it out "she was with you?" A man steps out questioning me, i nod and his face changes in fury

He lunges at me and punches me. I punch him and he stumbles back "you really think you can get away with hurting a woman?" I step closer to him and he looks around nervously "look, she has curfew-" i quickly cut him off

"Curfew?! How old is she?" I shake my head in disbelief and he looks at the floor, my fist punches his face repeatedly and i grabbed him by the back of his neck and pushed him forward to walk to where Dario is.

She had woken up and ivaylo was hugging her "this him?" Dario asks and i nod, he walks up to him inspecting his face "you look like a fucking lizard" he laughs loudly, throwing his head back. He looks at him again, this time punching him "i am going to rip your eyeballs out and make you eat them, that way you will never be able to see a woman again" he spits out and smiles at me

"Lets go" i murmur and Dario looks at me confused "you said-" i put my hand in front of me as a way to shut him up, i point towards the two "princess is coming with us and Ivaylo- I don't fucking care, I don't want to have to sort out your boyfriend" he chuckles

"It's fine" he walks away and speaks to them

I quickly walk over and face the blonde "pack your stuff" her eyebrows furrow "why?"

"You will live with me," she interrupts me quickly and stands up "no, I'm staying here" she walks off into the kitchen and calls the name 'Diesel' i soon realise its a dog and her face lights up when she sees him wagging his tail as he runs towards her. He walks up to me with a wagging tail. I scratch him behind his ear and his head tilts

She grabs her purse and pulls out a large stack of money and places it in my palm "now piss off. And take that gremlin with you. I mean Gideon not my baby boy" she points to Gideon and then goes back to playing with Diesel

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