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'Police officers'

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'Police officers'


"Niko even if i have to force your ass out of this house, we're going to that party"

"Why don't we use this as an advantage to stay in?" Niko asks, sitting down on the bed leaning back on his hands

"We could. But I want to have fun" i say, zipping my boots up.

"I can think of ways to have fun" he murmurs and i watch through the mirror as his eyes stay on my ass

I spin around, seeing that stupidly sexy grin plastered on his face that made my stomach do somersaults. I place my hands on my hips "no Niko, actual fun. Y'know like partying?" I roll my eyes, walking towards him

"I'm not interested in partying anymore, I'm more interested in you" he sits up straight, pulling me on his lap. I give him a quick peck tutting "oh i get it, you don't want me to be happy" i pout

"You've only kept me in this house for at least a month with no parties" I continue and he narrows his eyes at me

"Are you trying to blackmail me?" I scoff, placing my hand on my heart, pretending to be hurt "you really think that low of me" i wipe a pretend tear away and he laughs

"You'll be the death of me, princess" he drops his head on my shoulder

"Come to this Halloween party, for me?" I bat my eyelashes at him, his eyes soften

"Fine. You owe me"

Score! I won again

"Oh do i now?" He hums, falling back on the bed pulling me with him. I kiss him and he smiles against my lips as he lifts his hips to meet mine a couple times.

I break the kiss to catch my breath, straddling his torso "we're going to be late Niko" i say softly and his face screws up in frustration

"They won't know if we're late baby, please" i shake my head, and he whines.

He sits himself up against the headboard with me on his lap, i get up and grab the different paints and paintbrushes before sitting back on his lap

He grabs my wrist before the paintbrush even touches his skin the slightest "what are you doing princess?" He suspiciously asks, i hit his hand off my wrist and start painting his face

"What do you think I'm doing on a halloween night?" I ask tilting my head

"Your not painting my face Ijaya" he protests and i gasp "whoops, I've already started, might as well finish" completely discarding his protests along with the dirty looks sent my way i finish painting his face and climb off his lap

"Now-" the doorbell rings and I quickly turn to walk downstairs but befriend i do Niko throws his jacket over me as im in a bodysuit

I open the door to see a face i could never forget, however one i want to forget. "Get out" i snap, he doesn't move a muscle, staring at me like a freak

"Watch the way you speak to me" he inches his face close to mine and i back up, needing space. Niko walks downstairs, pushing him back when he realised he's in my personal bubble "get the fuck out! You heard her." He spits out and Elijah nods contently, winking at me before walking off

"You know him?" I nod slowly "he's someone i'd like to forget to please leave it" he sighs, pulling me in for a hug

"Lets go" i whisper


"Finally the married couple arrives" Dario groans sarcastically. Blair runs over in her version of our police costumes and she gasps, scanning my body "you are mother" she whispers and i laugh "thank you beautiful" i hug her

She looks over to Niko, from his skeleton face paint to his orange jumpsuit "ahh, so he wanted to feel involved" i nod and smile at him

"He looks sexy though" i whisper back and she grimaces

Lark and Heidi walk over "a sexy nurse and cowgirl. Love it" i clap my hands together as they hug me

Paris walks over smiling at me, Blair and Niko. Niko especially "you look amazing Ijaya" she breathlessly says

"Thank you.." i slowly trail off "you're a police officer too" i show her an all teeth smile, feeling awkwardly annoyed

"Yeah.. what a coincidence" she says, twirling her hair at Niko

Coincidence my ass

She knew me and Blair we're going to be police together, which meant Niko was being a prisoner.

Her eyes shift over to Paris "you look...slutty" she coughs and Blair forces a smile

"Thanks you too"

Normally Blair would take being called slutty the wrong way, the person ending up with a broken nose- probably -but tonight she's thriving in that word

Niko groans pulling me to his side and lifting me up by my ass, wrapping my legs around his waist on instinct. He kisses my neck and walks off with me further into the house "your my girl, got it? Not her." He sternly says

When I don't answer he starts ticking "oh- stop it!" I laugh throwing my head back

"Got it" I nod, sighing when he stops his attacks on me. Blair runs over with an annoyed look on her face "i want to beat her up." I giggle

Niko lets me down on my feet and i face Blair, putting my hands on her shoulders "if- and only if -she tries making a move on him, you can beat her up. I'll even join you"

"One hundred if she tries anything on him" she says and i roll my eyes

Niko's mine

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