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After he put my clothes back on me he threw me over his shoulder and thanked Ajax for driving us home before walking into the house. I yelped at the coldness of his rings on my bare thigh "fuck you" i heave

"I just did, didn't I?" I groan hitting his back with my palm

When we get to the door he puts me down on wobbly legs and smashes his lips on mine

He unlocks the door kicking it open and pushing my back against it to close it "please do not have sex in front of me" we break the kiss and my eyes widen as i see my mum sat on the couch

"Mum?" I gasp confused "god, why are you and Ivaylo so obsessed with sex? Ilaria isn't" i roll my eyes

"Because she's pregnant, she was before" I explain

"What are you doing here?" I ask, pulling the hem of my dress down "we need to talk. Hey Niko, it's good to see you sweetheart" she smiles placing a gently hand on the side of his face

"Good evening Mrs De Luca" he says with the smile but i can hear the hidden embarrassment in his voice

"Would you like anything to drink?" He asks her and she shakes her head "go get yourself something to drink" he nods eagerly and speeds off to the kitchen

"Mum, please next time call me, instead of breaking in" i almost plead her. I grab my phone and dial dad's number

"Daddy, a crazy lady broke into my apartment. Call the cops" i say and my mums jaw drops in fake hurt

"Crazy- don't talk about your mother like that Ijaya" he warns and i groan

"Just come get mum please" i beg and end the call. Mum giggles "your just like me" i smile hugging her

"So, when do i get grandkids?" I almost choke on my water "i dont know" i mutter

We sat on the couch while Niko had a shower and we started having a conversation about random shit. After about ten minutes Niko came out of the shower with his towel wrapped around his waist asking me where his deodorant is

I shook my head and looked at my mum with disbelief in my eyes "it gets worse, trust me" she whispers as she sips her tea

"Niko, where did you put it last?" He scratches his head "the bedroom" i nod

"So check the bedroom" i chuckle watching his cheeks flush in embarrassment, he quickly walks off and i turn my head to my mum

Dad texted mum that he's outside, i threw a jacket over me and walked her to the car with Niko behind me. Dad smiles at me and Niko before driving off with mum

We head back inside up to bed and Niko lies his head on my chest between my breasts "I can't get personal space anymore?" He looks up at me through his eyelashes shaking his head

He runs his hand up my thigh beneath his shirt on my body "you dirty, dirty woman" he gasps dramatically and I innocently smile, looking at my nails

"Don't you think my nails look great?" I ask, attempting to change the subject. He narrows his eyes at me moving to hover over me

I jump up from the bed running from him on my annoyingly weak legs, Niko catches me quickly smashing his lips on mine and walking back to our bedroom "go to sleep princess, i was comfy" he grumbles and i roll my eyes lying back down for him to lie on top of me again

Slowly his breaths became lighter and we drifted off to sleep


Niko started shifting uncomfortably in his sleep and i quickly woke up to see tears streaming down his face.

Grabbing his head and guiding it to my lap, i ran my fingers through his scalp trying to soothe him, his eyes shoot open and they meet mine. "You're really here?" He croaks and i nod "I'm here baby, and I'm not going anywhere"

He sits up hiding his face in my neck wrapping his arms around me, i slip out of his hold and walk to the kitchen. I grab a glass, slipping a sleeping pill in his water before going back upstairs and handing it to him

He needs to rest


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