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"Pizzas here!" Ivaylo yells with a few boxes. "Finally." Dario murmurs as him and Niko get up from the chairs.

After i got out i grabbed a box and ran over to Blair "we'll share" i say putting the box down and she gives me a skeptical look, she knows i like my food and will most likely eat most of the pizza

"What? We will!" I giggle and she nods, stealing a piece

As the sun set, Macey went home as the rest of us went inside. I hopped into the shower- Blair used mine -and the rest of them had a shower.

I was ogling at Ivaylo making brownies before i felt someone stop behind me. Niko. He was so close to me, i felt my stomach twist and turn with an insane amount of heat between my legs as i felt his front press against me.

He moved his head to rest against my shoulder "hello princess" shivers ran down my spine as i felt his breath on my ear. His hand trailed around to my stomach and Ivaylo turned around, Niko quickly removed his arm and took a step back. "Brownies are done"

Ivaylo picks up the tray as he brushes against us both.

I followed behind him as he headed into the living room where everyone else is

Ivaylo sat with Dario between his legs in the corner where the two sofas met, forming the L shape. I sat at one end of the couch with my legs up while Blair sat on the other end with her head on Ryder's lap.

Niko walks into the living room and lifts my legs off the couch, sitting down then placing them on his lap

"So, what do you do for work kitten?" Dario questions and i softly smile "i model, and i work for this stupid ass CEO who is a moody cow." Ivaylo rolls his eyes

"Tell them what happened the other day Ij" i sigh "i beat up a bitch"

Dario and the others all cheer me on and i giggle "she uhm-" i clear my throat "she asked me if i was going to cry on my daddys grave" Niko frowns

"Y'all have some serious issues" Blair slowly shakes her head

"Says the alcoholic" i say and she dramatically gasps

"Says the girl who loves her ex still" Blair quickly says and Soren winks at me

"I'm flattered sweet-pea" i roll my eyes and we all join in laughter

The conversations carry on for a bit plus the boys yelling at the TV time and time again. Niko, Armand, Ryder, and Ajax all head outside, smoke a blunt and down a beer.

"Ew why would you ever choose strength over stamina, lasting about two seconds sounds shitty" Blair questions Dario, shaking her head.

"Muscles are fucking sexy" he groans as he slyly smiles "both" i grin at Niko as he stares at me.

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