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'Room Service'

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'Room Service'


"No Dario, he's asleep. So until he wakes up, your staying here" i warn, he nods and i sigh

"Why would he have a nightmare?" I question curiously, Dario sigh's getting a beer out of the fridge before falling down next to me "his dad hates your family, because when Ewan was younger- about 17 -him and Evie dated." My eyebrows pinch together "she fell pregnant and she had to abort the baby because of her mum"

Mum never told me any of this

"So ever since Ewan messed with your dad, it was like torment, just for payback. He didn't tell you this, but when Niko started officially dating you his dad- Ewan -threatened to kill you" i nodded

"So thats what he had a nightmare about?" I whispered and Dario nodded "probably"

Niko walked out rubbing his eyes and messy hair "Princess?" He whispers, i got up walking to him and hug him "I've got to go out for a bit, will you be alright?" He nods

"Dario stay here with him" I demand and Dario salutes me "you got it ma'am" i roll my eyes, walking out the door and calling my mum


"Room service" i smile and the man groans, closing the door but my mum puts her hand against it, stopping him

"How rude of you to shut a door in a woman's face, though you've always been this petty" my mum tuts

His eyes grow wide pulling the cigarette from his lips "Evie" he sneers, mum smiles at him "Ewan, what a pleasure"

"Nice house" i say slipping under mums arm and walking inside "out. Now." He demands and mother slowly tilts her head

"Still not a fan of my family i see" he glares at her while she walks around the room. Aria walks downstairs "hey Evie" she smiles, hugging my mum

"Leave or I'm calling the cops" he says, walking towards his phone on the table but before he can grab it i cover it with my hand "sure but who would they really trust, the burglars or the man whose tormented my husband for years and threatened to kill my child?" Ewan freezes

"Why are you here?" Mum shrugs "ask Ijaya"

His head turns to me "on behalf of Niko" i state "hating someone over silly stuff only gets you killed."

"Get out of my house before i kill you" he snaps, i laugh at him "I'm shaking in my boots" i roll my eyes

"Save your threats Ewan, you won't kill me because you'll lose your son. He loves me more than he'll ever love you" i say placing both my hands on the arms of the chair he's in

Holding his stare- locking him in until he's no longer able to rip his eyes from mine. I can see the spark of fear hidden beneath the thin layer of confidence

"You have tormented my father. Threatened to kill me in front of my boyfriend" i softly say, feeling hatred radiating off of me. "I'm going to make you suffer." I smile wickedly and he stands up, swallowing hard

"Nereus should've killed you" he seethed, i froze thinking back to when Nereus had me and made me stay in that blank room

I grab the side of his cheek and slam it into the glass table, smashing it and grinding her face into the glass "you have some nerve"

After letting him go, he ran to the sink picking out the pieces of glass sunken into his skin

I grab his arm, sitting him back down "what do you want?"

"I want you to suffer for treating your son like shit"

"He's still mad?" He asks and i scoff in disbelief "why have a kid you don't want?"

"He's not mine. Aria found him beaten on the streets and brought him home. She treated him like her own" he huffs, Aria narrows her eyes at him "you abused him, Ewan"

"So you abused a child?" I say, feeling my anger rising- like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. "They are the easiest to manipulate" with that my vision blurred as i lunged forward, grabbed his throat and tipped the chair over

I climb on top of him and punch his face continuously

I didn't stop until i heard heavy footsteps near the front door. I sat up straight looking at Ewan's face, he had cuts and bruises scattered everywhere with a swollen black eye and blood falling from his nose

Heavily breathing, i got off him walking towards the door.

I open it revealing my dad's men, they walk towards him and i signal for them to grab him.

He shook his head "get the fuck off me!" He roared, kicking his legs as they dragged him through the corridor to the bedroom and handcuff him to the bed "Don't touch me" he snaps as they cut open his top with a knife "Evie, don't do this," he shakes his head

Mum tsks "oh get over it"

"Did Niko beg you to stop?" I ask. One of the men tut looking at him

I tell the guys to let him go and sit on the bed beside him, taking his face in my hands

"You'll beg me to end your life, to stop the pain but this is going to be slow" i softly say

"Enjoy it while you still can"

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