the surpise

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The power heroes have arrived.

Catboy:Ok Pj Robot we're here so what's the surpriseyou wanted to-

Catboy look behind him and stopped in his tracks and gasp, his eyes were wide open in complete shock.

Owlette:What's wrong Catboy what's with the face?The other heroes came over to Catboy and looked at what he was looking at then all of their eyes were wide open in shock two.

Ice Cub:Huh?..Ice Cub who was the last one to look at what the others were looking at and when he did he cover his mouth with one hand.

Ice Cub:It can't be...he said with tears about to form in his eyes.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(It is, this is the surprise I was talking about do you guys like it?)?he asked in a jokey way cause it was revealed the surprise was Lilyfay and An Yu who have woken up.

Lilyfay:Surpise!...she said in a exhausted tone of voice trying to give a thumbs up.

Everybody was just in complete silence of what just happened.

Gekko:AN YU LILYFAY YOUR ALRIGHT!!!Gekko yelled and broke the silence and started to run up to them and hugged them both.

Then everybody started to run up to them and grouped hugged them except for Ice Cub who was still in shock.

An Yu:I miss you two my friends but don't hug me so tight please..she felt like she was getting squish.

Ice Cub was watching everyone happy to see An Yu and Lilyfay alright but when he looked at Lilyfay he started to feel guilty.

Ice Cub thoughts:I don't think she would want to see me after what I did...he thought which made him think he doesn't deserve to go and hug her and tell her how much he missed her.

Lilyfay looked over and saw that Ice Cub was over there and not here with them which made her tilt her head.

Bastet:We're glad that you guys are back.she said nuzzling against An Yu and Lilyfay.

Owlette:Yeah are you guys hurt anywhere or something.

An Yu:Only a few scratches but the worst part is that our powers...which made everyone perk up.

An Yu:There gone...

Newton Star:Wait really?

Lilyfay:Yeah I can't even fly or use my starlight zing anymore look.

Lilyfay:STARLIGHT...zing...she said very weakly as her emblem started to glow but it faded away.

Owlette:You guys can't use your powers anymore.

An Yu:That seems to be correct.

Gekko:Can you guys at least get up?

An Yu:Unfortunately not I feel very weak I could barely move legs..

Lilyfay:Yeah feels like I gotten all of my energy sucked out of me..

Bastet:Well do you guys remember who did this to you?

Lilyfay:No there was just this big flash then everything was a blank.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(Yeah..that was also the other thing I wanted to show you guys.).

Catboy:Oh yeah you said you figured out who it is.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(Yeah but it's a little more shocking then what you might expected.).he went over to the picture player and started to play the footage where An Yu and Lilyfay got attack.

When the attack happened and seen this blurry figure run out but Pj Robot paused it to a better angle and to see who it is and everybody was in shock.


Gekko:Romeo did this!?

Owlette:It makes sense to be honest, it is Romeo after all.

Bastet:That stupid scientist will pay for what he did to our friends!she started hissing.

Catboy:Whatever Romeo is planning it can't be good.

When Ice Cub saw the footage he looked at Lilyfay then back at the footage of Romeo and he started to clench his fist.

Ice Cub:Romeo...he said quietly angry.

Lilyfay notice Ice Cub looking angry and wanted to come over to him but Couldn't.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(It's not just Romeo the rest of this gets a little shocking-)-

Lilyfay:Guys!she shouted to get everyone's attention.

Catboy:What's wrong Lilyfay?

Lilyfay:Ice Cub!she pointed at the slide and the power heroes got a brief look at Ice Cub sliding down it.

Newton Star:What is Ice Cub doing!?

Bastet:Whatever it is, it must be something stupid like Catboy stupid.

Catboy:Yeah..wait hey!

Owlette:Guys this is no time for jokes we gotta go get Ice Cub now before Romeo gets him!

Catboy:Me, Bastet, and Newton will take the Cat-Car you and Gekko can take the Owl-Glider.

Lilyfay:What about us?

Catboy:It's probably best for you two to stay here cause you lost your powers and you guys can't move.

An Yu:Don't worry we'll stay here and look over you guys on the picture player.

Gekko:Well that settles it let's do this!

All:PJ MASKS POWER HEROES WE'RE ON OUR WAY INTO THE NIGHT TI SAVE THE DAY!!!everybody went down the slide and enter in the vehicles.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(WAIT!!!)!!!he was trying to tell them something but it was too late cause they already left.

An Yu:What's wrong Pj Robot?

Pj Robot:*beeps*(Well there is something you need to know..)..

*with Ice Cub*

Ice Cub landed on the ground in his Snowmobile

Ice Cub:Romeo you won't get away with this...he said in a angry voice as he started to drive off.

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