the fall of a fairy

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Ice Cub cautiously peeked out of the alleyway to check for any approaching Fly Bots.

Ice Cub:The coast is clear let's move before any Fly Bots start coming.he said, stepping out of the alleyway, Pj Robot followed him, carrying Lilyfay and An Yu.

They were looking up at the Flying Factory up in the sky and running where they could get a tiny but closer to it.

They arrived at the school where the Flying Factory is above the sky where their is lots of Fly Bots around it.

Ice Cub:You guys fly up and get inside as soon as you can.Ice Cub said, pointing to the Flying Factory.

An Yu:What about you?

Ice Cub:Don't worry about me Power Heroes always find a way.Ice Cub replied with a determined smile.

Lilyfay:Ok see you at the flip side.Lilyfay said with a nervous giggle, activating her Pj Wings along with An Yu.

Lilyfay and An Yu  along with Pj Robot started to quickly and stealthily fly past the Fly Bots and discreetly entering the elevator. Ice Cub watched them go, relieved they hadn't been caught.

Ice Cub:ok now it's my turn SUPER SNOWBALLS!!!he shouted, launching a barrage of snowballs at the surroundings, he skillfully turned the area into a massive ice ramp, setting the stage for his next move Backing up, he positioned himself at the base of the icy slope, determined and focused.

Ice Cub:You've got this, Ice Cub. You can do this.he encouraged himself. He glanced down, then back at the ice ramp, revving his snowboard to gain speed.

When he felt ready, he shot up the ramp, picking up speed as he went. Fly Bots in the vicinity noticed him and started to give chase.

Ice Cub:SUPER SNOWBALLS!!!Ice Cub yelled, firing snowballs at the pursuing Fly Bots. They froze into ice blocks, tumbling from the sky.

Gracefully, Ice Cub landed on the Flying Factory's platform, sliding to a stop. He entered the elevator and joined his friends.

Lilyfay:Ice Cub your okay like I knew the whole time.she said giggling nervously.

An Yu:*whisper*she got kinda worried.she said to Ice Cub.

Ice Cub:Okay, guys, now it's time for phase two.Let's find our Pj Power Hero buddies.Ice Cub announced.


After a while, they arrived on the second floor of the Flying Factory, approaching the prison cells cautiously, but there were no Fly Bots in sight.

An Yu:*whisper*Is it just me, or are there no Fly Bots here?

Ice Cub:*whisper*It does seem a bit strange.

Lilyfay:*whisper*At least it makes our job easier ZING!!!Her voice echoed through the corridor.

Ice Cub:*whisper*Shh, Lilyfay Romeo might have heard that.Ice Cub winced.

Lilyfay:*whisper*Oops sorry.Lilyfay blushed.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(*whisper*Where could the others be anyway?)?he said looking for them.

Lilyfay:*whisper*I could feel really low energy coming from that cell over there a tiny bit.she point at the prison cell on the right.

They hurried to the cell, flinging it open and discovering the other Power Heroes inside, weakened but conscious.

Ice Cub:Guys, we found you!Ice Cub exclaimed, relieved to see his comrades.

Catboy:It's... a... trap... run!Catboy tried to warn them, struggling to talk.

However, before they could make sense of his warning, a robotic hand grabbed Ice Cub and whisked him away.

Lilyfay:ICE CUB!!!

Ice Cub was being held tightly by Robot.

Romeo:You honestly think I wouldn't see you guys coming on board?Romeo's voiced echoed, He snapped his fingers, and Fly Bots descended and held down Pj Robot, dropping Lilyfay and An Yu to the ground.

Romeo:Finally got the Polar Boy now, I can finally drain you dry and TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!His evil laugh filled the air.

Romeo retrieved his gray Spheroids, his fingers twitching with anticipation.

Romeo:Prepare to lose your powers freak.He taunted, tossing one to the ground, it began to glow intensely.

Lilyfay:NOOOOO!!!Lilyfay cried out as she activated her Pj Wings and flew in front of Ice Cub, shielding him.

Sudden a big flash of bright light covered everything and everyone shield their eyes.

Robot:That it too bright master!Robot said letting go of Ice Cub.

Then the light started to fade and everyone started to open their eyes and saw Lilyfay shielding Ice Cub, Lilyfay lay limp and even more pallid than before then fell to the ground.

Ice Cub:LILYFAY!!!Ice Cub crawled over to her, his heart heavy.

Ice Cub:Lilyfay speak to me please!he started to shake her a gently.

Lilyfay:Ice Cub... I feel... kinda... cold... colder... than usual...Lilyfay, her voice weak, struggled to convey her thoughts, Her eyes flickered open briefly.

Ice Cub:Why would you do that?... the same thing...Lilyfay managed a feeble smile as she raised her hand to touch his face.

Ice Cub:Lilyfay...

Lilyfay:..If I was..being honest...when I was..part of the..Power Heroes..I always was be..a hero but ever since..Romeo took the Ice Crystal..I started to realize..what being a hero is.. and when I look inspired be a hero..just like you...Her voice trembled.

Tears welled up in Ice Cub's eyes as he listened to her words.

Ice Cub:Lilyfay please...Ice Cub pleaded, tears streaming down his face

Lilyfay:..And since two nights ago..when you..look out..for me when my wirst got..hurt I started to..feel a certain way about when I you didn't be with me that night..I thought I did something wrong..and I may have upset you..cause I hate upsetting you..cause if your unhappy it makes me unhappy..but when your happy and makes me want to smile two..

Ice Cub:Please stop talking like that..You're going to make it, Lilyfay just stay with me!Ice Cub begged, his voice choked with grief.

Lilyfay:Sorry..but I think..I can't..but before I go..please look after..the cosmo's for me..and I want to..let you know..that I love..yo...Lilyfay offered a final, heartfelt message her voice faded, and her eyes closed Ice Cub shook her, calling her name desperately, but she had fallen silent. 

Ice Cub:Lilyfay..Lilyfay...LILYFAY!!!Ice Cub shook her, calling her name desperately, but she had fallen silent.

Ice Cub:PLEASE YOU CAN'T DIE HERE WE CAN DO THIS PLEASE JUST STAY WITH ME DON'T LEAVE ME!!!he starting to crying really loudly with the other Power Heroes just in shock of what just happen.

Romeo:Aww man I got the rest of that stupid space fairy energy and power ugh what a waste.Romeo, unaffected by the tragic scene

Ice Cub:A waste...Ice Cub, numb with grief, murmured

Romeo:Well, there's still space to take the Ice Bear's powers.Romeo sneered and picked up the Spheroid once more

A snowball came perilously close to Romeo's face, missing by mere inches Ice Cub, his eyes filled with tears, standing on his snowboard, gripping Lilyfay in one hand.

Romeo:LUNA GIRL, NIGHT NINJA, NINJALINOS, FLY BOTS ATTACK HIM!!!he called them over and commanded them.

Luna Girl, Night Ninja, Ninjalinos, and Fly Bots advanced toward Ice Cub but he, resolute and unyielding, positioned Lilyfay in a safe spot on the ground.

Ice Cub:Your gonna pay...he declared, his voice unwavering, snowboarding toward the villains, his gaze locked onto Romeo.

a space fairy and a ice bearWhere stories live. Discover now