Ice Cub's heroic triumph

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Ice Cub gracefully maneuvered his snowboard towards the approaching villains, determination etched on his face.

Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos wasted no time, brandishing their Sticky Splat and hurling it at Ice Cub, trying to ensnare him.

Ice Cub, his reflexes as quick as a lightning strike, dodged the incoming Sticky Splat with fluidity and precision.

Yet, the Fly Bots swooped down like menacing shadows, releasing a barrage of Owl Feathers, Star Power, and Gekko Shields, attempting to overwhelm him, the onslaught came from all directions, leaving Ice Cub momentarily paralyzed as he faced this overwhelming assault.

Just as the threat seemed insurmountable, a ray of hope soared in the form of An Yu, donned in her Pj Wings, swooping in to rescue Ice Cub, Her presence was a reassuring anchor amidst the chaos.

An Yu:Don't worry, Ice Cub. I'm still here to fight by your side, Romeo will regret what he did to Lilyfay.she declared with unwavering determination, her eyes reflecting a seriousness that matched the gravity of the situation.

Ice Cub:An Yu-

Ice Cub began to speak, but before he could utter a word, a Gekko Shield struck An Yu's Pj Wings, causing them to malfunction, An Yu and Ice Cub tumbled and crashed against the wall.

Ice Cub:Ugh..An Yu are you ok?Ice Cub asked, rubbing his head.

An Yu:I'm okay, but the Pj Wings are broken, so I can't help you fight, I'm deeply sorry.

Ice Cub:It's fine, I can take care of them on my own.he assured her, his focus returning to the relentless pursuit of Romeo.

But as Ice Cub prepared to rise, a moon bubble suddenly encased him.

Romeo:You sure about that?Romeo taunted, walking towards Ice Cub with a malevolent grin.

Romeo:Fly Bots, take dragon girl with her powerless. I'm going to have a friendly conversation with polar boy over here.he demanded with the Fly Bots grabbing An Yu and dragging her away to the other Power Heroes.

Romeo:I have to say Ice Cub surprising how you still manage to still be a wimpy, pesky, meddling Power Hero after all of this crazy stuff that happen tonight and the night after that or basically every single mission you been on ever since you joined the Pjs pest.

Ice Cub:What are you trying to say?

Romeo:What I'm trying to say is that even after all this why are you still being a hero after what you caused to all of your friends look at them.Romeo continued, pointing at the Power Heroes on the floor, weakened and powerless.

Romeo:All your PJ Power Hero buddies have sacrificed themselves just to save you. No matter what, you always seem to put them in danger, causing harm to your own friends.Romeo stated, injecting guilt into Ice Cub's heart.

Romeo:Remember the time I stole that ice crystal, You only cared about that ice crystal, not your PJ buddies, I nearly sent them into deep space, And you, if that fairy hadn't forgiven you, you wouldn't have won.Romeo added, pointing to Lilyfay's lifeless body, deepening Ice Cub's sense of remorse.

Romeo:You've learned nothing from those experiences. You continue to put your friends in danger, and this time, it's ten times worse.Romeo chuckled sinisterly.

Romeo:You put your friends in danger again and now they lost their powers, I got that power and now I am unbeatable with it along with my new minions, and finally you have hurt your precious friend who she saved you twice and look where that got her dead as a doornail.

Romeo:But the the main difference between that time and now is that there's nobody here to help you fight your battles now which means your completely useless, with or without your powers, when I drain your powers you won't have to feel sad that you won't be a hero anymore.Romeo sneered, advancing with the Spheroid he had used earlier.

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