Romeo's trap

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Ice Cub rode his Snowmobile, determinedly tracking the scent which was growing stronger by the moment.

Ice Cub:His scent is getting stronger, but where exactly is he?Ice Cub muttered to himself, scanning the surroundings. Eventually, he halted the Snowmobile, his gaze fixing on Romeo who was running in an odd manner. Romeo darted past a fence close to HQ

Ice Cub:Found you...Ice Cub declared, his fists clenching as he dismounted the Snowmobile. Retrieving his Snowboard, he wasted no time and began to trail Romeo's path.

Ice Cub:Romeo's gonna pay...he seethed, his anger palpable.

With incredible speed, Ice Cub pursued Romeo on his Snowboard, ready to confront him.

Ice Cub:ROMEO!!!Ice Cub's voice boomed as he closed in on Romeo. At that moment, Romeo turned to face him, witnessing Ice Cub's fierce determination.

Ice Cub:YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO LILYFAY!!!Ice Cub's fury was unleashed, his shout accompanying the launch of his Super Snowballs at Romeo. The projectiles struck Romeo, encasing him in a block of ice.

Romeo:Oh hey Ice Cub.Romeo greeted Ice Cub nonchalantly, shifting to face him from within the ice block.

Ice Cub:Don't 'hey Ice Cub' me; you're gonna pay for what you did to Lilyfay.Ice Cub growled, his anger unrelenting.

Romeo:Oh, you think I was responsible for whatever happened to your pixie friend?Romeo said maintaining his composure.

Ice Cub:Don't call her that!Ice Cub snapped, his glare intensifying.

Romeo:Looks like someone has a crush on a certain fairy.Romeo continued,With a smug smile

Ice Cub:Don't even try to change the subject.Ice Cub snapped back, gripping the ice block and pulling it closer, radiating menace.

Ice Cub:You're gonna pay...Ice Cub gritted his teeth, his grip on the ice block tightening to the point of cracking.

Romeo:Always thought you were the nice, lovable type of hero.Romeo remarked unfazed.

Ice Cub:But I'm also the type of hero who's gonna make you pay for hurting his friends.Ice Cub's determination remained unwavering.

Romeo:So, getting revenge on me in a brutal way is the kind of hero you are?Romeo taunted,redirected the conversation.

 Romeo:Do you think your little fairy girlfriend would like what your doing?he asked him making Ice Cub shake his arms a bit.

Romeo:But at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't want to date a freak like you.he said doing a villainous smile.Ice Cub's grip slackened, his thoughts wandering. He was reminded of what Cameron had said about how no girl would ever love him and that he was just a freak.

Ice Cub:I...Ice Cub began to reply, with his voice faltering.

Romeo:That's what I thought.Romeo asserted, breaking his hands free from the ice and snapping his fingers.

In an instant, a purple beam zapped Ice Cub, ensnaring him in a moon bubble, rendering him immobile.

Ice Cub:What's happening?Ice Cub exclaimed, his confusion evident.

Romeo:Nothing significant, just my backup.Romeo revealed, pointing towards Luna Girl, who had stealthily positioned herself behind Ice Cub.

Ice Cub:LUNA GIRL!?!?Ice Cub's surprise was palpable.

Romeo:And there's more.Romeo declared, as Night Ninja emerged, breaking Romeo free from the ice.

Ice Cub:NIGHT NINJA!?!?Ice Cub's astonishment grew.

Romeo:Indeed, and you've fallen right into my trap.Romeo gloated.

Romeo:Have you both got it?Romeo inquired of Night Ninja and Luna Girl, who responded with silence.

Subsequently, they handed over small glass spheres, each resembling familiar colors from certain heroes.

Ice Cub:What are those?Ice Cub questioned, perplexed

Romeo:Let's just say that these little things contain more than just superpowers, ones I've taken from your other PJ pals.Romeo menacingly revealed, placing the spheres in his lab coat pocket.

Ice Cub:what?...Ice Cub was befuddled.

With a snap of his fingers, the Ninjalinos arrived, dragging the unconscious Power Heroes and tossing them before Ice Cub.

Ice Cub:No... Catboy, Owlette, Gekko, Newton Star, Bastet!Ice Cub's distress was evident as he attempted to rouse his friends, to no avail.

Ice Cub:How are you doing this?Ice Cub demanded, his gaze fixed on Romeo.

Romeo:Through teamwork with my villain buddies!Romeo divulged, embracing Luna Girl and Night Ninja, who remained mindless.

Romeo:Who are also under my control with my Hypno Ray.Romeo added, producing the device.

Romeo:But enough of that now it's your turn Luna Girl released the bubble Night Ninja, immobilize him.Romeo commanded, snapping his fingers

Luna Girl complied, and Night Ninja swiftly restrained Ice Cub with his Sticky Splat.

Romeo:Prepare to lose everything, freak.Romeo sneered, retrieving a gray glass sphere and tossing it near Ice Cub.

Upon impact, the sphere emitted a blinding light.

Ice Cub:Oh no!Ice Cub exclaimed, shielding his eyes from the intense radiance.

Yet, just before the sphere could activate, a figure swooped in, swiftly snatching Ice Cub.

Romeo:What in the world!?!?Romeo exclaimed.

???:It's me!a voice ring out.

Romeo looked up to see Lilyfay soaring above, her Pj Wings deployed, holding Ice Cub securely in her arms, a triumphant smirk graced her features as she confronted Romeo.

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