the power transfer

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Ice Cub blinked in disbelief at the sight of Lilyfay flying. The astonishment left him momentarily speechless

Ice Cub:What the... Lilyfay but how?he stammered, not yet noticing the Pj Wings on her back, Lilyfay grinned, her eyes shining with newfound determination

Lilyfay:I'll explain later, but for now, PJ WINGS, GO!!!With those words, she soared upward, carrying Ice Cub away from danger.

Meanwhile, Luna Girl and Night Ninja were prepared to give chase, but Romeo intervened, halting them in their tracks.

Romeo:Let them go they'll come back.Romeo declared with eerie confidence. 

He nonchalantly retrieved the gray glass sphere meant to drain Ice Cub's powers and pocketed it.

Romeo's gaze then shifted to the ominous Flying Factory that descended, with a giant vacuum, it absorbed everyone in its vicinity, including Romeo and his mind control minions and the unconscious Power Heroes.

Inside the Flying Factory, they were greeted by Robot.

Robot:Welcome Back master.Robot greeted Romeo.

Romeo:Hey Robot let's go I got some plans with these.He held up the glass spheres containing the stolen powers and energy of the Power Heroes.

Romeo:Luna Girl and Night Ninja your coming with us Ninjalinos and Fly Bots you take them to the prison cells they can't do anything now.he smirked evilly at the unconscious Power Heroes as the Ninjalinos and Fly bots carried the Power Heroes and took them to the prison cells.

Romeo and the others walked to some kind of tall and vertical tower like shape with a see through door with 8 circled shape holes on the inside going from up to down with a lever on the left side that's being connected to the Flying Factory.

Robot:Master what are you those glass spheres?

Romeo:These aren't "glass sphere" I call them the Spheroids and their the key to taking over the world!

Robot:How master?

Romeo:Since you asked, Robot, I'm going to use these Spheroids, which contain the powers of those Power Heroes, to transfer those powers to something else...Romeo explained. He proceeded to insert the Spheroids into a strange, tall, vertical tower-like machine within the Flying Factory. The machine had a see-through door and a series of circular holes inside, each glowing with a different color

Romeo:NOW BEHOLD!!!Romeo dramatically announced as he pulled a lever. 

The Spheroids began to glow, and the Flying Factory shook with power.

Robot:What's happening master!?

Romeo:My plan is working follow me!He said,grinning triumphantly He raced to the control room, where he programmed the controls with precision.

Romeo:There.Romeo stated, pressing the final button. Suddenly, all the Fly Bots were launched from the Flying Factory, but something was different. Their digital eyes were now adorned with colors matching the other Power Heroes, except for Ice Cub

Romeo:Now that my Fly Bots and Factory have the power I'll be unstoppable!

Robot:What happens if the power run out?he questioned as Romeo looked at him like a idiot.

Romeo:That's what the heroes' energy is for, you metal head, With their energy, my Flying Factory and Fly Bots will have the power to last... FOREVER!!!he said dramatically.

Romeo:Now, Fly Bots, go find the other Power Heroes and that mini-bot!Romeo commanded The Fly Bots obediently flew out on their mission.

Romeo:My plan is coming together perfectly, Once I get Polar Boy and steal his powers, I'm going to... TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!He shouted in delight, his evil laugh echoing throughout the Flying Factory.

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