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"Baixiao, call for Captain Beidou to meet me in my chambers at sundown."  Ningguang said sternly.

"Yes ma'am."

Beidou and Ningguang sat together in their cozy living space, their hearts filled with anticipation. A sense of excitement lingered in the air as they awaited life-altering news. In Ningguang's hands, she held a small white box, the contents of which held the key to their future.

Ningguang's eyes flickered with curiosity as she looked at Beidou. "Shall we open it together, my love?"

Beidou nodded, a mixture of nerves and excitement coursing through her. Hand in hand, they opened the box, revealing a positive pregnancy test nestled within. A gasp escaped Ningguang's lips, her eyes widening in astonishment.

"We're having a baby," Beidou whispered, her voice filled with awe and tenderness.

Ningguang's face lit up with a radiant smile as tears of joy filled her eyes. She turned to Beidou, her heart brimming with love and excitement. "Beidou, this is incredible news! We're going to be parents together."

Their emotions overwhelmed them, and they embraced tightly, reveling in the sheer bliss of the moment. As they held each other, their hearts pounding in sync, Ningguang's mind raced with thoughts of the future.

"We must start preparing immediately," Ningguang declared, her voice filled with determination. "Our child's safety is paramount. We need to babyproof every inch of the Jade Chamber."

Beidou chuckled, her eyes sparkling with affection and amusement. "Ningguang, slow down a bit. We have time to prepare."

But Ningguang's excitement couldn't be contained. She immediately called upon her subordinates, giving them precise instructions to babyproof the entirety of the Jade Chamber. Their future child's safety was of utmost importance.

With a gleam in her eye, Ningguang turned to Beidou, her voice brimming with excitement. "We should also order parenting books, carefully selecting the best resources to guide us. And let's find the most exquisite and delicately handcrafted baby furniture and toys."

Beidou watched her partner's fervor with a mix of adoration and amusement. "Ningguang, you're already an extraordinary person and partner. I have no doubt you'll be an incredible parent too. Our child will be fortunate to have you."

Ningguang's cheeks flushed with a blush, but her determination remained resolute. "Beidou, our child will have the world at their feet. I want to provide them with the finest."

In the following weeks, the Jade Chamber underwent a remarkable transformation. Ningguang's orders were meticulously executed as every room was babyproofed to ensure the safety of their growing family.

The Jade Chamber soon became adorned with handcrafted baby furniture and toys, each piece carefully selected by Ningguang with unwavering attention to detail. Their home was transformed into a sanctuary, radiating love and warmth.

One evening, Beidou found Ningguang surrounded by stacks of parenting books, her eyes shining with eagerness. Ningguang looked up, a radiant smile on her lips.

"I want to be the best parent I can be, Beidou," she confessed, her voice filled with love and dedication. "Our child deserves the world, and I will give them just that."

Beidou joined her, sitting close, their hands entwined. "Ningguang, you're gonna do great. I promise."

-Time skip-

Ningguang sat in the doctor's office, her hands nervously clasped together.

The doctor entered the room, their presence calming the atmosphere. They greeted Ningguang and Beidou with a warm smile before diving into a discussion about the pregnancy. The doctor outlined the necessary steps and precautions to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery.

As the doctor shared their insights, Beidou's worry began to surface. She glanced at Ningguang, her voice filled with tenderness. "Ningguang, are you alright? This is all a lot to take in."

Ningguang squeezed Beidou's hand, her eyes brimming with gratitude. "I'm nervous, Beidou." 

Beidou nodded, her heart filled with love and determination. "You're not alone in this," 

In the following weeks, Ningguang meticulously followed the doctor's advice, attending regular check-ups and consultations with health experts. Each visit brought reassurance and valuable knowledge about the changes her body was experiencing.

As the captain of her own crew, Beidou faced a difficult decision. She knew that her responsibilities as a sailor would need to be put on hold for a while to ensure Ningguang's well-being and the health of their growing child. With a heavy heart, Beidou called a meeting with her crew, bracing herself for their reactions.

Surrounded by her loyal crew members, Beidou shared the news. "I have made a decision, my friends. For the time being, I'll be taking a break from sailing. My priority is supporting Ningguang through her pregnancy."

Silence filled the room as the crew absorbed Beidou's words. Slowly, understanding and empathy replaced any initial surprise. One by one, her crewmates stepped forward, expressing their unwavering support and well wishes.

Silence filled the room as the crew absorbed Beidou's words. Slowly, understanding and empathy replaced any initial surprise. One by one, her crewmates stepped forward, expressing their unwavering support and well wishes.

Her First Mate Juza, his voice filled with sincerity, spoke up. "Captain, your well-being and that of your family is our utmost concern. We'll hold down the fort and take care of the ship while you take care of your loved ones."

The sentiment was echoed by the rest of the crew, each member offering their understanding and readiness to fulfill their duties in Beidou's absence.

Tears welled up in Beidou's eyes as she took in the immense support from her crew. "Thank you, all of you. Your understanding means the world to me. Together, we'll ensure that our ship sails strong while I support Ningguang."

With the unwavering support of her crew behind her, Beidou could focus on being there for Ningguang. She attended every doctor's appointment, holding Ningguang's hand through each step of the pregnancy journey.

Late at night, as they lay in bed together, Beidou gazed at Ningguang, her voice filled with tenderness. "You're doing amazing, Ningguang. I'm so proud of you."

Ningguang smiled, her eyes shimmering with gratitude. "And I couldn't do it without you, Beidou." 

Hand in hand, they faced the journey together, the crew's support and their unbreakable bond guiding them through the uncertainties of pregnancy. 

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