I'll be home (for quizmois)

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My body did not want me posting this- i was about to schedule an update and i threw up in my mouth- erm

Update: i threw up. I frew up. Um...anyways happybirthday ningguang!

Within the resplendent Jade Chamber, Ningguang's birthday morning cast a soft, golden radiance across the room. The rhythmic ticking of her desk clock harmonized with the gentle hum of machinery as she focused intently on the stack of documents before her, her pen gliding across the paper in graceful arcs. Despite her dedication, her thoughts occasionally drifted to the promise Beidou had made.

Out on the open sea, Beidou commanded her ship with unwavering confidence. The wind tousled her hair and the scent of salt filled the air as she stood at the helm, her eyes scanning the horizon. A smile touched her lips as she thought of Ningguang.

Beidou's voice carried over the sound of the waves, addressing her crew with a commanding tone. "We sail today with a purpose, my mates. There's a birthday celebration waiting for us in Liyue, and we won't be late."

Back in the Jade Chamber, as the day progressed, Ningguang's diligence remained unyielding. She reviewed contracts and diplomatic proposals with meticulous attention to detail, every stroke of her pen a testament to her commitment. Yet, beneath the veneer of productivity, a yearning tugged at her heartstrings.

Her fingers paused mid-sentence, and she looked out the grand window that offered a breathtaking view of Liyue. The promise echoed in her mind, and for a moment, she allowed herself to imagine Beidou's return.

Amidst the rolling waves, Beidou's ship sliced through the water with purpose. Her crew worked in harmony, their skilled hands ensuring a swift voyage. Beidou's gaze remained steadfast, a mixture of determination and anticipation in her eyes.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sea, Beidou's ship drew nearer to Liyue Harbor. The crew's movements became more precise as they navigated the ship with expert precision, each sailor aware of the significance of their destination.

And then, as the stars began to twinkle in the evening sky, a faint sound reached Ningguang's ears – the distant creaking of a ship's hull, the faint flutter of sails. She turned her attention to the balcony, her heart skipping a beat as hope blossomed within her chest.

Beidou's ship glided into the harbor, guided by the hands of her skilled crew. Ningguang's eyes widened with surprise and elation, a smile gracing her features as she watched the vessel's triumphant return from her elevated vantage point.

Moments later, the doors to the Jade Chamber swung open, and there stood Beidou, her presence a vibrant contrast to the room's opulence.

"Working on her birthday, huh? Clasic Ningguang."

Their eyes met, and in that instance, the space between them seemed to shrink. Ningguang rose from her desk, her heart racing as they closed the gap between them.

"I promised I'd be back for your birthday," Beidou said, her voice carrying a mix of pride and tenderness.

Ningguang's lips curved into a soft smile, her gaze tender. "And you've kept your promise, Captain," she replied

Beidou's grin widened, and she stepped forward, drawing Ningguang into a loving embrace . As they pulled back, their eyes met, a world of unspoken emotions passing between them.

Hand in hand, they moved toward the balcony, the city lights painting a tapestry of stars against the night sky. The moon cast its silvery glow upon the waters, and Beidou wrapped her arm around Ningguang, drawing her close.

"I missed you." Ningguang said.

"I've miss you more."

With the city's lights glittering like jewels below, Ningguang and Beidou stood on the balcony, their closeness a testament to the depth of their bond. The cool evening breeze carried with it the scent of the sea, mingling with the warmth of their affection.

Beidou's fingers intertwined with Ningguang's, their hands fitting together as if they were always meant to be held that way. "You know, being out on the sea makes you appreciate moments like these," Beidou mused, her gaze fixed on the moonlit harbor.

Ningguang leaned into the embrace, her head resting against Beidou's shoulder. "Indeed, Captain. It's a reminder of the beauty that lies beyond the walls of the Jade Chamber."

Beidou chuckled softly. "Aye, that it is. But it's also a reminder that no matter where I sail, my heart always returns to you."

Ningguang looked up at Beidou, her eyes shimmering with emotion.
Beidou's lips found Ningguang's forehead in a gentle kiss, a soft affirmation of their love.

They settled onto the cushions, facing each other across the table. Beidou poured tea into delicate cups, her movements sure and practiced. "To us," she toasted, lifting her cup.

Ningguang mirrored the gesture, her gaze steady as she met Beidou's eyes. "To us." she replied, her voice tinged with affection.

They clinked their cups together, the delicate sound resonating in the night air. As they sipped their tea, their conversation flowed effortlessly – reminiscing about shared adventures, exchanging playful banter, and simply reveling in each other's presence.

Ningguang's gaze fell on the small, elegantly wrapped gift on the table. "You didn't have to get me anything," she remarked, a touch of curiosity in her voice.

Beidou chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I've been known to break a few rules, especially when it comes to making you smile."

With a soft laugh, Ningguang picked up the gift and unwrapped it carefully. Inside was a delicate hairpin adorned with shimmering jade and a design reminiscent of the sea. Her fingers brushed over the intricate craftsmanship, her eyes lifting to meet Beidou's.

"It's beautiful," she murmured, her heart swelling with gratitude.

Beidou's expression softened, her thumb brushing over the back of Ningguang's hand. "Just like you."

As the night wore on, their celebration continued, each moment deepening the connection between them. The city's lights eventually faded, leaving only the moon and stars as witnesses to their affection.

And as the hours passed, Ningguang and Beidou remained on the balcony, wrapped in each other's arms, their laughter and whispered promises merging with the gentle lullaby of the sea.

"Thank you for pulling me out from my work."

"And id do it any day."

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