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You made it to the end of this novel, well done!

Firstly, I'd like to thank my friends for listening to my stories about Kai and their ability to put up with my simping and for reading this. I appreciate thy support for helping me complete this, and even publishing this because I literally had no guts to publish this novel incase I get sued- (oh well, at least Lizzy could be my lawyer and help me get out of that lawsuit ;3)

Oh yeah, Yuka since you're proofreading this, what do you think of the novel so far? Any improvements I need to make? 

I'd also like to apologise to 'Kai' if this guy somehow has a wattpad account or even knows about this novel in the first place and knows this novel is literally about him (I pray he doesn't read this-) 

After all, I thought it would be fun if I could write a novel based on my unrequited feelings during my college life. Usually, romance novels allow characters to know eachother but in fact, I never knew my crush so this story ends in a static way as it began. 

I guess that's what reality is like when you like someone who you have no affiliation to. It's as if you have a celebrity crush. So maybe my feelings towards Kai was like a celebrity crush, such as my celebrity crush of Hueningkai from TXT. 

You probably noticed now, Kai reminds me of Hueningkai, which is why my old friend and I named him that. 

Enough with my sob story on my unrequited love, I want to thank my ex-friend for encouraging my to write a novel about him. Even though we're no longer friends anymore, I hope one day she reads this and recognises her idea coming to life. 

I know there are a lot of pleases and thank yous in this corner, I hope you enjoy these honourable mentions, friends!  

I saw himHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin