Chapter 1

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Techno couldn't remember the last time he had ever seen someone so distressed. He had never seen someone look so helpless and upset. Techno couldn't understand basic human emotions. He never felt like he fit in when it came to this. Techno hardly ever felt sadness or depression in the same way Phil did. Or the way his brothers did. He hardly ever cried. He didn't understand the pain someone could be caused by their own mind. And he certainly didn't know how to help someone when they felt like this.

But the image of his father sitting on the floor, his hands pressed hard to his face haunted Techno like a ghost. He could finally see what happened to someone when their thoughts were too loud. Or when their hearts felt like they would burst from their chest. That was the way Phil had described it. That was the best way that he could explain fear and depression to him.

Techno remembered the darkness in the room. The small flicker of light from a candle in the corner was the only thing that illuminated the room. The darkness seemed to be swallowing Phil, trapping him with nothing but his own thoughts. His thoughts that had caused him this much pain.

Techno remembered Phil's silhouette through the darkness. How he was slumped on the floor, his hands over his face. His body had been shaking with uncontrollable sobs. Phil was muttering something that Techno could not hear. He acted as though nothing could be better than the sweet relief of death.

Techno remembered his own voice echoing through the room.

"Phil?" Techno had muttered into the darkness.

The man looked up and spun around on his knees to look at his son. Techno remembered the pained glint in his eyes, his face wet with tears and his blonde hair disheveled. He could see the fear spread through his father when he saw Techno. The way his face seemed to drop even more. The way his eyes expanded, filling with more tears. And Techno hated himself for causing Phil so much more fear.

"Techno..." The man had replied, quietly. "What are you doing in here at this hour?"

"I just..." But Techno's voice had trailed away.

Techno remembered kneeling beside Philza and asking him what had happened. But his father refused to respond. He had told Techno to leave. He argued but Phil urged his son out of the room. Techno remembered the tightness in his chest at the urgency in his fathers voice. He remembered standing up from the floor and hesitating as he fumbled with the silver door handle pressed against his back.

Techno had left, his head swimming with thoughts. He often wondered what could have possibly caused Phil this much anguish and distress. He wondered if he should have done something differently. If he should have helped Phil. Techno wanted to know how to help or even just what was happening to his father. But for a long time he never found out.

Two years passed before Techno learned anything about that night. He questioned Phil about it again one rainy night in the darkness of the kitchen when Tommy and Wilbur were both asleep.

Techno remembered how Phil had tensed up. He had turned his back on Techno and shut his eyes tightly. He remembered how heavily Phil had sighed and how his knuckles turned white as he gripped the countertop.

But he explained everything to Techno. He told him that he was old enough and that he would need help if anything happened. Phil explained the voices, the prophecy, and a man whom he called Dream.

Techno remembered the fear that spread through his body. He assumed it was fear as he had never been able to recognize this emotion. But the sudden feeling of his mind going blank and his whole body feeling like it were going to give way. Like he could fall through the floor and he wouldn't be able to scream or move or do anything to prevent it.

Techno was only thirteen then. But he felt prepared for the information in a strange way. Like he had known all along what was happening even though he had no clue. All he knew was that one night Phil had woken him up in the dead of night, shouting instructions and moving frantically.

That was the night that Techno's family had left their home. Techno didn't remember much. He had been half asleep and he was so young. Only eight years old. But he remembered the beating of Phil's large wings as they soared across the night sky. The cold air had beat against his face and his eyes drooped as the pressure of sleep began to push against him.

Techno didn't need to remember that night though. He only needed to know about the voices and the prophecy and about Dream. He only needed to know how to help his father and how to protect his younger brothers.

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