Chapter 5

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"Techno! Techno, wake up, please!"

Technoblade did not move and Wilbur waved his hand, frantically, over his brother's face. Techno was lying on the floor, his eyes closed and his hair strewn over his face. His ear was bleeding from the fall and his tunic ripped at the shoulder. Blood was blossoming in the cloth like little red flowers.

"Techno, please, please! I can't do this by myself!"

As though this was a signal, Techno's eyes shot open. Wilbur was kneeling next to him and Techno could see a mix of tears, blood, and dirt on his face. Techno quickly sat up, nearly smacking Wilbur in the head who moved out of the way just in time.

"What happened? Where's Tommy and Phil?"

Techno jumped up, looking around. Wilbur stood up too, brushing dirt off his trousers.

"I passed out."

"Tommy? Where's Tommy?"

Wilbur pointed behind him. "I took him farther down the tunnel before coming to get you. I wanted to make sure he was safe. He's asleep."

"And Phil?" Techno looked up at the trapdoor and attempted to push it open. But it wouldn't budge. "Come on!" Techno shouted and pushed harder.

Wilbur watched him tentatively. "Techno...I don't think..."

Techno ignored him and continued to push at the door. He had to get through. He needed to find Phil. He needed to make sure he was alright. He needed him. He needed his help.

"Techno," Wilbur said, quietly.

Techno ignored him.

"Techno!" Wilbur called more urgently. "Techno, look at me!" Wilbur grabbed his shoulder and Techno spun around to face his brother.

His black eyes moved wildly over Wilbur's face. They were no longer filled with fear but instead hate. Pink hair was sticking to Techno's face and his clothes were dirty and ripped. His face was flushed with anger and sweat was dripping from his pale skin.

"I need to get to, Phil!" Techno's voice was loud and angry. Wilbur flinched at the sound. "We need to help him. I need to—to make sure that he's alright."

"Techno...I heard them searching through the house but I—I didn't hear Phil." Wilbur flinched at his own words, wrapping his arms around himself as though giving his body comfort. "The door is blocked and we can't get through. But I think, I think he's—"

Wilbur's voice broke and a tear rolled down his cheek. It cut through the dirt and grime, leaving a clean trail on his face. Techno dropped to his knees. He did not cry. His grief was too great for that now. Techno was motionless on the floor, letting the truth spread through him.

After a long stretch of silence, Wilbur turned and walked back down the tunnel to Tommy. His crying had stopped but he was still shaking, uncontrollably. Techno did not move. He did not know how long he had been on the floor. It could have been hours, weeks, months, even years but Techno didn't care.

His whole body hurt. He wanted to escape, to keep running and never stop, to get away from everything. He wanted this feeling to go away. He had never felt something like this before. It was like poison was spreading through his body. It hurt so bad as though he had just been stabbed in the chest. Tehcno was no stranger to physical pain. He had felt that several times before. But this was different. This was worse.

But Techno couldn't be feeling these things when his brothers needed him. He needed to protect them. And as though that thought had just flipped a switch in his brain he jumped up. He had his brothers. Here he was sitting alone in the dirt and dust when he still had people to care for, to look after. He still had people who needed him. And he needed them.

FlorescenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora