Chapter 8

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Tommy stood outside Techno's bedroom door. Wilbur was outside and Tommy wanted this chance to speak to his brother. But he hesitated. He didn't want to be yelled at or worse, ignored. But Tommy took a deep breath and knocked softly. He heard no response. Tommy sighed, angrily and pushed the door open.

Techno was sitting at his desk, scribbling notes on a piece of parchment. He did not say anything to Tommy who was standing in the doorway. He walked to the desk and sat on the edge of it. Techno didn't look up.

"What are you doing?" Tommy leaned over to look at what Techno was writing, who quickly covered it with his arms.

"Nothing," Techno replied, annoyed.

Tommy watched him.

"Can I braid your hair? It's messed up."


Techno looked up and Tommy had a decent view of his face. Loose strands of pink hair were hanging over his face. But it wasn't enough to cover his strained eyes and the bags hanging under them. He looked like he hadn't slept and possibly not eaten in days.

"Techno, when was...when was the last time you slept?" Tommy shifted a bit as though worried.

It took a few moments before Techno fully registered this question. He glanced toward the bed behind him and then turned back to scribbling notes. But Techno did not answer the question.



"You need to sleep."

Techno did not look up and he shook his head. Tommy sat on the desk, not saying anything and swinging his feet back and forth. Techno finished his writing, put the parchment in an envelope and handed it to Tommy.

"Can you give this to Wilbur?"

Tommy, surprised, took the envelope.

"What's it for?"

"Nothing," Techno said. "Just give it to Wilbur."

"Tell me what it's for?" Tommy stood up.

"No," Techno replied, becoming impatient.


"Tommy, get out!" Techno finally shouted.

Tommy opened his mouth to shoot a retort at his brother but he closed it. He stormed out of the room clutching the envelope and slamming the door behind him. Techno flinched at the noise.

Tommy stopped on the stairs and looked at the envelope in his hand. He could open it. He could find out what his brothers were planning. Neither of them were around. Tommy glanced up into the hallway. Techno's door was still closed and Wilbur was nowhere to be seen.

Tommy stuck his index finger under the flap of the envelope, hesitating slightly. This was his chance. His one change to know what was happening. To not be kept in the dark. To stop being shut out.

But just as he had made up his mind, a door slammed. Wilbur was coming inside which caused Tommy to jump slightly as his brother's face came into view. His shoulders tensed up and his face hardened.

"Tommy, what are you—" Wilbur stopped mid sentence as his eyes slid over the envelope in Tommy's hand. "Why do you have that?"

Tommy extended the envelope to Wilbur who took it. "Techno told me to give it to you," he said. Wilbur stuck it in his coat pocket. "What's it for?"


Tommy scowled at him. He spun around on the step and stomped up the stairs, slamming his bedroom door behind him. Wilbur followed him up the stairs. He knocked on the door and Tommy did not respond. Wilbur opened the door to see Tommy sprawled on his bed with his face shoved into a pillow again.

"Why are you so angry about this?" Wilbur asked, closing the door behind him. Tommy rolled over onto his back.

"I'm just sick of you and Techno shutting me out," Tommy burst out. "I want you to stop acting like I can't tell that you're planning something. I just don't want you to lie to me."

Wilbur crossed his arms and frowned.

"That's not the only reason," Wilbur said, quietly.

It wasn't a question. Tommy sighed and sat up. He refused to meet Wilbur's eyes.

"I miss you," Tommy said, his voice shaking. "And Techno."

"I'm still here, Tommy," Wilbur replied.

"No, you're not. You and Techno aren't the same. You try and act like everything is fine and Techno acts like the entire world is completely fucked over. We don't talk about important things anymore. We can't ever just relax. There's always this tension. The old you and Techno have...disappeared."

Wilbur didn't respond. He just watched Tommy as he talked.

"It's been nine years. I miss everything. I miss you and Techno." He hesitated before continuing. "I miss Phil." Wilbur shifted, slightly. "I miss Tubbo too. He was my only friend. Now I can only write letters to him."

Wilbur stayed silent again. Tommy had stopped talking. The silence was louder than any of the words they could say. But Wilbur suddenly remembered something.

"I have something for you," Wilbur said, digging in his pockets.

Wilbur fumbled for a few moments before pulling out a compass. He handed it to Tommy who studied it, curiously. The metal was cold in his hand and it was small and surprisingly light. Tommy turned it over to see a sticker on the back that read: Your Tubbo.

"What is it?" Tommy looked up at Wilbur.

"It's a compass," Wilbur said, simply.

"Yeah, I got that," Tommy said. "Where does it point?"

"It points to Tubbo at all—well L'manberg," Wilbur said. "It points there at all times. I sent one to Tubbo that pointed here with your last letter."

Tommy stared at the compass and then up at his brother.

"So, could he come here? Now that he knows where he's going."

"You know the answer to that," Wilbur said and Tommy nodded, sadly. "I told him that he can't in a note."

"Yeah but—"

"Tommy, he's president now since Schlatt died last year. He can't just leave. It would be too noticeable."

Tommy nodded, not fully understanding.

"Why can't he come here? Why are you trying to hide me from him?" Tommy clutched the compass, tightly in his hands.

"I'm not trying to hide you from Tubbo," Wilbur replied, his voice sounding tired.

"Then why can't he come here? Why can't we go to L'manberg?"

"Tommy, I can't," Wilbur said, turning towards the door. "Just please stop."

Tommy wanted to argue. He wanted to yell at his brother for keeping him away from everyone. He was angry at Wilbur for keeping him locked up and not trusting him. But he didn't yell or argue.

"Fine," Tommy finally said. "Thanks, Wil."

Wilbur left the room in silence.

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