Chapter 14

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Many weeks had passed since the end of the war. L'manberg was being rebuilt and it looked better than ever. New homes had been built and platforms above the ravine were created so people could walk through the nation. All was peaceful in New L'manberg. It was quiet with the sun setting and the birds singing dying away.

A door to one of the houses opened with a creak. A golden blonde haired boy with light blue eyes stepped out. He pulled a soft blue sweater over his red and white shirt and adjusted his green brandana that was tied around his neck.

Tommy closed the door behind him and inhaled the sweet air around him. He stared out across the land for a few moments before walking down the path. He carried a music disc and a compass in his hands. Tommy looked around at the buildings taking in the pleasant scene of his new home.

Tommy arrived at the top of a hill where a tombstone, a bench, and a jukebox were set up. Flowers and L'manberg flags were stacked neatly against the tombstone. Tommy placed the disc inside the jukebox and the soft music of Mellohi drifted through the air.

He kneeled down beside the tombstone, running his fingers over the words. He traced his brother's and felt tears sting his eyes. He clutched the compass tightly in his hand as he stood up, sighing heavily.

Tommy collapsed on the bench and placed the compass beside him. Every night at sunset Tommy would come to Wilbur's grave and play a music disc. He imagined that his brother was next to him as he told the empty hill about that day.

"Tubbo's been talking about making a hot air balloon for L'manberg," Tommy said. "I think it's a stupid idea. You probably wouldn't like it either, Wil."

The music played quietly as the breeze blew gently around Tommy. The leaves in the tree above him moved playfully in the wind. The birds chirped softly. Tommy stared straight ahead, watching the sunset. He inched his fingers across the bench as though he could find Wilbur's hand resting next to him.

"We made new lanterns," Tommy said. "They're being hung up around L'manberg again. Just like last time."

Everything was silent for a moment except for the music and breeze. The sun crept slowly behind the trees and Tommy closed his eyes for a few moments. But they shot open when Tommy heard a voice behind him that he recognized.

"That's nice," the voice said. "I've always liked the lanterns."

Tommy spun around in his seat. His eyes widened as he stared at the figure before him. It was a man but he looked younger than Tommy had last seen him. The man wasn't quite solid as Tommy could see through him in the sunlight. He floated a few inches above the ground and a small blue flower was clutched in his hand, the same color as Lapis Lazuli. Only the white's of his eyes appeared to be visible and a blue blood-like substance stained his clothes and face. He would be frightening if he hadn't looked so kind.

The figure smiled as he bobbed up and down slightly. Tommy stared at the man, breathing heavily and not daring to believe what he was seeing. The figure couldn't be real. Tommy blinked a few times, thinking that the figure would disappear. But when he opened his eyes again the figure was still there. Tommy extended his hand but his fingers went straight through the man. He could not touch him. Tommy drew his hand back again and looked up into the man's face.


Wilbur smiled down at Tommy and tucked the flower behind his ear. Tommy reached his hand up to run his fingers over the soft, blue petals. He remembered these flowers. They were Wilbur's favorite.

"Hello, Tommy," Wilbur said, happily. "Did you miss me?"

Tommy nodded, still surprised with tears running down his face as he smiled. Wilbur laughed, cheerfully, sitting beside his younger brother who continued to cry harder.

"It's alright, Tommy," Wilbur said. "Don't cry."

Tommy nodded again, wiping away his tears. His brother was here. He was home. He had come back to Tommy. His Wilbur had come back.

"I missed you, Wil."

Wilbur smiled, his expression a mix of happiness and sadness.

"Are you a ghost?" Tommy asked and Wilbur nodded. "But you're still here and you can talk to me and stuff, right?"

"I'm still here, Tommy."

Tommy gave him a watery smile as he wiped his eyes. "I'm glad to have you back, Wil."

The sun set behind the L'manberg walls as Tommy continued to tell Wilbur about the happenings of the nation. All was peaceful and quiet again.

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