Chapter 9

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 Many weeks had passed since Wilbur had given Tommy the compass. He spent every night staring at it and always ended up falling asleep with it in his hand. Everything was the same. Wilbur and Techno still refused to tell Tommy anything and he had taken to listening at doors which usually ended with Techno getting angry.

Tommy hadn't learned a lot from his eavesdropping. The only useful information was that a man that Techno and Wilbur referred to as Dream was a dictator in a place called Dream SMP. Tommy didn't know where this was but it seemed like there was a problem there.

Tommy wasn't too concerned about it however. They were far enough away from everyone that he nor his brothers would be in danger. Tommy didn't think about any of the information he had overheard. It didn't matter to him. Until a letter from Tubbo arrived that changed everything.

"Hey, Tommy."

The back door slammed behind Tommy and he could see Wilbur standing on the porch. He was holding something in his hand that made Tommy stop what he's doing and dash over to him. It was a letter from Tubbo.

"Thanks, Wil," Tommy said, taking the letter from Wilbur's hand.

Wilbur went back inside and Tommy sat on the steps, pulling his green bandana down from his face. The crisp air tainted his cheeks pink and Tommy shivered. He tore open the letter and pulled out a piece of parchment, covered in Tubbo's neat handwriting.

Hi, Tommy

I'm sorry this letter is short. I needed to send it quickly. I know that this information isn't very useful to you. But L'manberg is in danger. We're being attacked by Dream SMP. I'm sure you know where that is. Techno should have told you. It's not far from L'manberg. Dream, the dictator of Dream SMP, is planning an attack on our country. I don't expect you to do anything, I just needed to tell you that we're at war.


Tommy stared at the letter for many moments. L'manberg was in danger. Tubbo was in danger. Tommy didn't know what to do but he had to help Tubbo. He had to protect him.

Techno should have told you.

Tommy clenched his fists, crushing the letter slightly between his fingers. He should have told him. But he didn't. And it felt like a knife to the heart.

Tommy stuffed the letter in his pocket and stood up quickly. He slipped while dashing up the stairs but ignored the pain shooting up through his leg. He needed to find Techno. He ran through the house, frantically, not even bothering to take off his boots. Melting snow now covered the floor creating a path to Techno's bedroom.

"Techno," Tommy yelled, banging on the bedroom door. "Open the door, Techno!"

The handle twisted and the door swung open. But it wasn't Techno who opened it. Wilbur was standing before him, breathing heavily. Techno was sitting on a chair behind him looking just as confused.

"Tommy, what's wrong? Are you ok?"

Tommy didn't respond. He pushed past Wilbur to reach Techno who stood up quickly. Tommy pulled the crumpled letter out of his pocket and shoved it into Techno's hands. He glanced down at it and his expression became stern.

"Techno, we have to go to L'manberg! They're in danger!"

Techno handed the note back to Tommy, roughly. He did not respond. Tommy glared at him and then turned to Wilbur.

"Wil, we need to go to—"

"Tommy, we can't."

Tommy clenched his fists, angrily. Why wouldn't they listen to him? They weren't even trying to understand.

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