Chapter 3

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Many days had passed and everything was still peaceful. The rain had stopped and the sun had made its appearance from behind the dark clouds. Flowers were blooming and the puddles had dried up. Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy had spent most of their days outside, playing or dueling.

Niki had not come since that one rainy day but Phil wasn't concerned. He knew she would come again soon and they were not short of supplies. They had plenty of materials and food. Phil just wanted to know that she was alright.

Phil was standing in the sitting room watching his children through the big window. He smiled as Wilbur picked Tommy up and hoisted him on his back. But the smile soon disappeared as his head started pounding. Phil shut his eyes tightly trying to block out the noise. But he could hear the voices again.

Niki is not safe. And your family will be next.

Phil covered his ears but the voices just grew louder. Talking to him in harsh whispers. Telling him things that he didn't want to hear or believe.

Suddenly, Techno came trudging up the steps and into the house. He threw his boots to the side and pulled his hair out of its tight bun.

"Are you alright, Phil?" Techno watched his father, curiously as he quickly turned towards him.

Philza had been staring out of the window, his face full of worry and anguish. The sky was a bright blue and the sun was beaming down, sending bright rays over the earth. Wilbur was carrying Tommy around the yard on his back. Tommy grabbed leaves from low-hanging branches in the trees as they passed them, throwing them in Wilbur's brown hair.

"I'm fine," Phil finally replied. But Techno could see through his terrible lying. Phil had zoned out again and a frown was pulling at his lips. Phil's wings beat slowly without him noticing.

"Are they getting too loud again?" Techno came to stand beside his father.

"Wha—no! I told you...I'm fine." Phil didn't meet Techno's eyes as he said this.

"You promised to tell me if the voices were bothering you again, Phil."

"I shouldn't have told you in the first place. You shouldn't have to deal with this. And Wil is only twelve and I think he's starting to realize. Obviously, Tommy doesn't know but..." Phil's voice trailed off. His babbling had given him away.

Techno watched him. "Please just tell me."

Phil sighed and looked his son in the eye. They were a deep black void but they were filled with worry. Phil's blue eyes were glassy and he looked away again, fearful that they were brimming with tears. Techno placed his hand on Phil's shoulder who flinched to his touch. He hated this. Techno, his fourteen-year-old son, was comforting him while he tried to ignore the pounding in his head.

"I...they're telling me things." Phil straightened his posture and Techno's hand slid away. "They're telling me things about the prophecy. Things I haven't heard before. But I can't—I can't tell you what."

Techno opened his mouth to speak but closed it, abruptly and nodded. They stood in silence for many minutes until Techno turned around and headed back outside to his brothers, not saying a word. Phil watched them, the voices getting louder and louder.

Death is coming. You know it is, Phil. Kill them yourself to stop their suffering.

Phil jumped a little, shaking the thoughts from his head. They were getting too loud for his liking. He needed a distraction. But before Phil could find one, a loud wailing sound drifted in from the yard.

Phil peered out of the window to see Wilbur clutching Tommy, rubbing his back, and talking to him softly. He ran outside over to his sons.

"What happened?" Phil kneeled and Wilbur looked up at him.

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