Pt 2 Ch 8

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Clay POV
My hands traced the cool bed frame at my side. I heard the monotone beeping of the machines and the sounds of the occasional squeak of the wheels on hospital carts. Bored out of my mind, but knowing I had to maintain the act of being tired at the very least in order to not be seen as even more of a freak than I currently was. My head perked up at the steps I could hear coming to my room, quickly retracting my hand and resting it on my stomach, attempting to look as drained as possible. "Clay?" I couldn't even stop myself from sitting up immediately at George's voice. I could see the uneasiness on his face. In his defense, who wouldn't be uneasy seeing their friend rise from the dead unharmed? I pretended to flinch at the sudden movement and groaned a bit. He raised a brow, clearly sensing the bullshit in my delayed reaction.

"I'm not even gonna try to ask about what happened yesterday cause I'm too pissed at you for driving so recklessly. I'm also confused, happy of course, but confused on how exactly you're perfectly fine." I flinched, real this time. "Your car is in pieces Clay. How on earth are you completely okay? I think there's something you're not telling me." I sighed, pulling my legs to my chest. I didn't want to lie to him. I could feel the excuses about to leave my body, but this time was different, this time I'd choose to tell him the truth.

George was surprisingly calm the entire time I explained. Weirdly so. Maybe I shouldn't have been so worried.

George POV
WHAT THE FUCK. Okay either he A) thinks I'm an absolute idiot and is making fun of me B) is on ALOT of pain meds right now and has been reading a lot of Percy Jackson or C) is actually telling the truth. In a way it made sense. Everything was starting to make sense. The feeling of eerie familiarity and comfort I felt around him, the way he knew things about me I never told him or anyone else. My brain keeps telling me that this is probably a guy drugged beyond comprehension, but my gut is telling me he's being honest. I could feel him nervously watching me, the sound of him cracking his knuckles echoing in the empty room. I put a hand up to ask him to stop and he immediately did. "So you're... some weird Medusa thing? And we're lovers from a past life? And you found me? Is that what you're trying to say?" "Yes." "And you want me to believe you?" "Yes." I let out a shaky breath, gripping the edge of my sweater so hard I could feel my nails digging into my hand through the sweater.

"We can talk about this when you get back home. For now please just focus on getting better Clay." He agreed quickly, clearly trying to stay on my good side as I got up and left the room.


Clay had called me 15 times in the past week since his release. I had ignored all 15 calls and all 70 texts. I wasn't gonna waste my time on some delusional idiot. I sighed, hugging Milo closer to me. "He's so dumb Milo. He's so dumb and I love him and he's so damn stupid and I want to see him and touch him and I hate this." Milo didn't answer. Obviously. But I'm sure he would if he could, he's nice like that.

I heard a knock at my door, feeling milo stand up next to me, I got up too and followed him to the front door. I opened it to the sunny smell of Clay, I tensed up, backing up to let him in.

Clay POV
He probably thinks I'm insane. Whatever, I needed to see him, I could feel myself losing him and I can't let this happen. Not again. "What do you want Clay?" I flinched at his cold tone. "I want to show you something." I took out the rings in my pocket, and placed one in his palm, watching him close his hand around it, a look of confusion crossing his face. "That was your wedding band George. Our wedding was beautiful, our friends were there, it was a cloudy day, the grass was freshly rained on, the smell was amazing, I remember how calloused your hand was in mine, years of playing the violin with me changing their previous softness, I remember where every single one of your beauty marks is, I remember the feel of your lips on mine, it's all second nature to me George." His jaw was slack, tears streaming down his cheeks, I held his face in my hands and leaned in, "is this okay?" He nodded vigorously, I laughed against his lips and finally got the deep kiss I've been longing for for so goddamn long. It was every bit as special and beautiful as I remember it being, his breath hitching against mine, his hands even wandered exactly like they used to. I was home. He was my home.

The end

Author's note:
Hey guys! I haven't been a dsmp fan in quite a while as you can tell from the lack of updates however I felt awful leaving you guys on a cliffhanger and decided to fix that! Thank you all for going on this journey with me, thank you for waiting and thank you for all your kind words. I'm so grateful for all of you. Thank you truly <3

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