Chapter 7.1

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While I was lying on Sugar's back when the manager came in with my parents! I was so shocked I fell off her back.

"Hello Mom! Hello Dad!" I bowed and stood up. Sugar also stood up and stood next to Yoona.

"I see you found your long lost sister!" Mom said tears in her eyes. What?! Long lost sister?! Who?

"Um, mom who would that be?" I asked her then she walked up to Sugar and pinched her cheeks together. Hahahaha. She looks like a fish!

"Oh dear how we have missed you!" She said the Sugar and then kissed her cheeks and hugged her. The others raised a brow at me. What did I do?

"Um mom. Would you mind telling me what is happening? " I asked. She turned to me while Dad hugged Sugar.

"You have a sister Taehyung. When you two were young you went to a birthday part. They gave you guys name tags and stuff to make sure nobody got lost. But unfortunately your sister liked to run around and never wanted to sit still. So she ended up walking away when nobody was looking and we never saw her again until now." She said holding back tears. Okay I kinda believe that is Sugar because she never sits down for more than 5 minutes.
-_- If you wonder how I know since we were enemies before well I am the same so I always saw her doing something somewhere.

"So, mom how did you know Ji is my sister?" I asked very careful.

"The people that adopted her went looking for us and many people think you and her are sooo much alike. Plus her name is Kim Ji Min. That is the name that was written on her name tag when she was lost." I turned towards Ji. She was acting like she suspected this. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Then as if one cue we ran at each other and hugged.

" I'm older." I teased her still in the hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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